Showing posts with label characters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label characters. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2020

An Art Thief Named Gaia | The Result of The Survey...

Greetings travelers, 

The Survey is still open, so you are still able to take the survey and help create a character if you didn't know about this or missed the post from earlier. I just wanted to use the answers I had already received to create a character and draw it. This doesn't mean this is the last character creation video I am going to make because I have others I am excited to do... 

                                           Here are the two videos:

You can also watch it here

                                                            You can also watch it here

This was incredibly fun to make and Gaia is a type of character I've never created before.
What is your favorite mystical creature? If you could control one element (Air, Earth, Water, Fire) which would you choose? 


P.S. For people who are very busy and sitting down and watching a whole monologue would take up too much of your time, I've started posting excerpts along with full length monologues. My most recent one is excerpts from my monologues from Romeo and Juliet.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

YOUR ANSWERS NEEDED: Let's Design a Character Together!

 This requires participation from you, dear reader, we are creating a character with the answers to these questions. The character who shows up in this might end up becoming either a recurring character on this blog, a god or goddess for one of the my pantheons in my Fantasy worlds, or even something else entirely different. It is all up to you to decide.

So, fill out the form (it is anonymous, it won't record your email address or Google account, so you can leave answers to the questions and I can't tell who left it):

I intend to film myself creating the character. I will begin after receiving all the answers, in a few weeks or a little longer depending on how long it takes to get enough answers to make the character. I intend to demonstrate my method for creating characters--at least one the ways I do it. Also, I'll get to see what a majority of you enjoy seeing in characters. This will be a challenge for me, but I am very up to trying this challenge. And once I have a way to film myself drawing and I do this once, I can probably repeat this process in the future.
Who is your favorite character? Also do you have a favorite archetype to write? 


Saturday, February 15, 2020

Redrawing My Old Paper Dolls #1: Fairies and Shapeshifting Rulers

Greetings everyone!

I thought it would be fun to do some redraws of my really old drawings, which were actually in paper doll form instead of in a sketch book. I thought it would be a neat project to tackle. I noticed that most of the paper dolls were characters I made (though I can't remember their names). Which is interesting given that I may now have a whole bunch of new characters to use in my drawings, animations, character interviews, short films, and novels. Most of the characters who I am going to redraw are probably going to be girls, due to the fact that I didn't draw boys until very recently.  Back then if I did draw boys they were usually bearded or had a mustache.  I was very young and I guess it was my only way to show that a character was in fact a boy, and not a girl. :)

Let's begin:

The first drawing, I want to redraw is a green fairy character. I assume the character was either another character who was turned into something by means of magic (there is tons of shapeshifting in my stories old and new) or a villain in the stories. Her appearance is unusual, so I am very unsure which of the two it is. But I thought it might be interesting to turn her into a character that always was this way, or perhaps has some cool shapeshifting ability or something that comes from the species of fairy she is. (Perhaps with her having the shapeshifter ability, but not the villain part).

(Image from wikia,
(warning:  if you decide to put the link into your search-bar, I should warn younger readers, that there is swearing in the show so there will be quotes from the show with swearing in them in the article. I just wanted to warn you)).

So when I looked back at the character, herself, her eyes reminded me strongly of Crowley's eyes from Good Omens, especially since her eyes were not fully yellow and had had white around them, even though I highly doubt that this character is a snake demon with a love for the band Queen. (But who knows, she might actually have a little Crowley in her).

(Image from wikia, 
 And her skin color and ears and everything reminded me strongly of Deet from the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, since they seemed to have a similar design.

So next after thinking that she looked like a mix of Crowley and Deet, I began redrawing her, and adding in details that weren't there before in the original while keeping the essence of the original.

                                                Here is the uncolored version: 

 Unlike the original, I decided to give her leaf wings as it seemed to fit with her personality. 

Here is the colored version: 

I have yet to come up with a name that suits her, but we will see what happens as I develop her more. 

The next drawing is of a prince, who can turn into a peacock at will. (Or maybe it's not in his control...I can't remember which). 

Since, he had facial hair to show he was a boy, and since I know how to draw boys now, I thought I would give him more of a slick-back look and have a little perhaps of hair jelled hair (as he would care about his appearance, like the children's book version of peacocks do).  

I took my new ideas for this and put it into the redraw. Here is the uncolored version: 

Here is the colored version: 

The whole idea where peacock feathers made eyes all over his shirt was actually taken from Greek Mythology, as Argus had eyes all over his body. And since Argus seems to suit this character now, I am going to call him Prince Argus. (Who turns into a peacock, ironically). Speaking of that, I decided to redraw his peacock side... 
The reason why the feathers are so colorful in comparison to a normal peacock is because when I was younger, I grabbed a whole bunch of markers to draw the feathers. However in terms of characterization he says it is because he isn't a "common peacock" and that it makes it easier for servants to find him amongst the "common peacocks." (He will probably hate me saying this but if your ruler has a personality of a peacock and rules the kingdom in a vain way, there is likely to be a revolution. Once he is overthrown, since every ruler seems to have a shapeshifting ability, the new president will have one too. The question is what animal they would turn into? )

(President Athena in human form) 
To answer my own question I made a character that wasn't a redraw. This character (whose name is President Athena) is the one who takes the place of Prince Argus. Since there are a whole series of princes and princesses who can shape-shift into animals (and whose outer appearance suggests the animal they shift to), I think it would be neat for there to be a president who can do that. She can shape-shift into an owl. The reason I chose to do an owl as the form she shifts into, is that (even though this a stereotype of animals) the owl is wise and the peacock is vain. And because of this, I wanted the animals to show the true natures of their characters. Also, an owl is less colorful, while a peacock is more colorful. With the color differences I was trying to show that Argus is more in it for himself while Athena is in it for the people, therefore wears more reserved colors. 

(Athena in owl form) 

For her animal form unlike Argus's flamboyant feathers and such, she has her eyes to show that she is human. Owls don't have green eyes, so you can tell that she isn't a normal owl. 

But back to redrawing...
Here is another fairy. This one unlike the last is not green, but is wearing a really vibrant pink: 

I began redrawing the paper doll. This is
the uncolored version: 

This is the colored version: 

I gave her ripped pants and blue lipstick. I don't really think that the ripped pants were in the original sketch, but this is how it turned out. But I wanted to make sure that there was still a hint of blue in her costume. 

This one is another two-sided paper doll: 

I am not entirely sure what her character background is. She was probably a princess of some sort. (Though unlike the others she doesn't appear to be able to shape-shift). 

So, I began redrawing the first one and catching the details of her patchwork dress and everything: 

She even appeared to have a snow white like collar, but it didn't really fit into the redraw. 
This was really fun to redraw, because I had a lot to work with. 

Once I finished sketching it out, I colored it in: 
Since there seemed to be a little orange mixed in the middle with the blue top, I figured I'd add it in somehow. I also added in some details that weren't there in the original (the dots in the middle of the dots on her dress and the dots on her hat). 

Then I began redrawing the flip side. It was much more rainy on the flip-side, perhaps to show her change of mood. She also had a change of outfit which appeared to be a raincoat. Her outfit was less detailed on the flip-side, but I decided I would add in some details anyway. 

Here is the colored version: 

Which character is your favorite? Do you have a favorite redraw? 
And if you could have the power to shape-shift into any animal, what would you turn into? 


Monday, September 16, 2019

Character Interviews: Oak (+ Questions Are Needed)

You might know Oak from my older posts, she is a half dryad ranger: 

(An old drawing of Oak)

Her story was one of my first novels...that didn't end up working. But since I eventually plan to rewrite it (not now, but later), I decided I would get to know Oak. She will remain a character in the story (along with Delphi and Emily Stella), who will be the three female leads. (There will possibly be a fourth, but I don't know for sure right now).

So, it is time for another character interview! *A neon sign lights up* 

*Audience applauds, and Oak walks in* 

Me: It's wonderful to see you again, Oak. It's been a long time...and you look very different.
Oak: *Nods* Indeed, *sits down on the seat and remains very alert* Indeed, it has been...
Me: start, I'll just simply ask, how are you?
Oak: I'm fine, I just to need to make sure no one followed me here...*looks around the room*
Me: Why would someone be following you?
Oak: *Brings out bow and arrow* I don't know, but it would be better to be safe than sorry--
Me: *Looks over at the people who let Oak in* Weren't you supposed to take her weapons away from her? That's one of the rules.
Security Officer Two:  *Popping out from behind the curtain* It's been a long time since we have had one of these interviews, why do you expect us to remember these things?
Me: Because you're security!
*A shrieking noise comes out from the left side of the stage, Oak aims her bow at it and shoots it*
Security Officer one: Uhh...
Me: So you let a creature in too?
Oak: Don't blame them...these beings are very good at hiding. Anyway, you were going to interview me?
Security officer one & two: If you want to fire us, because she is better--
Me: Shh...not now, we have an interview to do....

If you were to pick a song, what song do you think would describe you the most?
I do know some ballads, but they are mostly romantic ones, which hardly describes myself, but...
I do think this song sort of describes the energy I feel when fighting in battle:

                              Underground by Lindsey Stirling 
You can also listen to it here
Also, I liked that Lindsey Stirling included the goddess Artemis in her "video."
                                         Ancient Greek music- Artemis 

You can also listen to it here
                    This reminds me of my forest home...before the forest fire,
                     so it sort of describes me in a way.

Artemis by Lindsey Stirling 

You can also listen to it here
I suppose this is now three songs instead of one song. 
But this song reminds me of the feeling I have when I go hunting in the forest. 
What, do you think of romance, yes or no? 
I'm not particularly interested in romance at the moment. Other girls may be interested in talking about what they think of romance on stage *makes a disgusted face* but I don't think it is something really worth talking about. I would rather be friends with boys than being in love with them. Can we please talk about something like weapons as opposed to romance?

Me: is a question you might like instead:
Sword or bow? 
Oh good! I've used bows and arrows more often, but I am not limited to only that.
I do use daggers and swords if my opponent sneaks up on me and I am unprepared...
So to answer your question, I like both.
If you were going to a party, what would you wear?
Even if it was a festive party, I can't let my guard down. And wearing a dress would limit my abilities to protect myself. Yes people would expect me to wear one...
but for safety...I would wear something else...

My first option would be this toga:
(Image from wikipedia, (if you are uncomfortable with nudity, there is some nudity in a few of John William Waterhouse's paintings. I just wanted to warn you, if you decide to put the link into your search-bar.) )
Though it would be comfortable, it wouldn't provide much protection from possible attackers. Especially since it is easy to tell if one is hiding weapons in it.

And then I would consider this one:
(Image from wikipedia,
It would protect me, but everyone would wonder why I was not wearing something fancy for the party and why I was being on guard.

So in the end to fulfill my need for comfort during a party, and my need for safety I would wear this:

(Image from wikipedia, (if you are uncomfortable with nudity, there is some nudity in a few of John William Waterhouse's paintings. I just wanted to warn you, if you decide to put the link into your search-bar.) )
This isn't a see-through dress so I can hide daggers around my legs,
(Image from Pixabay,

because carrying around a bow and arrow wouldn't exactly make everyone in the party feel comfortable.

A man out of nowhere. Asks you to marry him. What do you do? (Note that he happens to be a prince from a kingdom, and is looking for someone to marry and be his queen). 
I would decline, though ruling a kingdom might be an interesting thing, its not for me.
I know many girls would gladly give anything to marry a prince out of nowhere, so that they could rule a kingdom. But ruling a kingdom wouldn't be of much use to me, for it wouldn't help the world, because I would be helping but a single kingdom, and not the whole world itself.

(Last question) Who is your favorite Greek goddess? And why?
This is probably very obvious.

(Image from wikipedia, (warning: if you are uncomfortable with nudity, there are a few nude paintings of Greek gods in the article, so be warned.))

But Artemis the goddess of the hunt, childbirth, and the wild is my favorite. I've always looked up to her archery abilities, and especially the fact that she loves nature.

Me: Well...that is all the time we have for now. But the next two characters who are going to be interviewed are Riona "Fire" and Celtiere *points to the audience* and I need your questions for them! I am going to make Character Interviews something that the audience (readers) can participate in. So it would be very helpful if you could leave comments asking questions for Riona and Celtiere.
See you next time! *Curtain closes and fades to black*

Who is your favorite Greek goddess? How would your own characters react to the questions I asked Oak? 


Sunday, March 17, 2019

Introducing Some Characters: Saint Patrick's Day Themed Characters

Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone! 
To celebrate I made some Irish characters, who I thought I would share with you today. 
Also feel free to listen to this while reading the post: 

The Fox hunter By Celtic Woman 

You can also listen to it here 

Let's begin: 


She is a warrior, who has managed to take over other clans' castles, and is feared and is known as "the red haired warrior" or "the fiery warrior." 
Despite her warrior ways, she does have a soft side, and would never harm any animal in a battle. 
She has in fact taken a fancy to having animals in her castle (and the castles she has taken over). 


Finnegan is a shepherd. When he is not 
protecting the sheep from wolves, and other problems, 
he is playing his flute, which was given to him by a fairy. 
He hasn't exactly figured out what powers it possesses, 
but he has a feeling he may find out soon.  

In his free time, he writes ballads for his sheep to listen to, 
though he isn't exactly sure whether they like it or not. 


Despite her name, Nettle is actually a nice fairy. 
She was the fairy who gave Finnegan the flute, 
though he doesn't remember. He has a vague that a fairy was involved, but
not much else. She isn't willing to reveal what the flute's magic is, 
but she can say this, it might protect Finnegan in some way in the near future. 

Which character is your favorite? And what's your favorite thing about Saint Patrick's Day? 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Introducing Some Characters: Valentine's Day Themed characters

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :) To celebrate I will be introducing to you some Valentine's Day themed characters:




           A cherub, who hasn't quite yet figured out how to use his love arrows yet, 
              and has a tendency to shoot his foot and fall in love with random objects, people, and animals. He rather wishes there was such a thing as a love stone, so he could use his slingshot to make people fall in love. Unfortunately none of those exist (yet), so he stuck with a bow and arrow that he doesn't know how to use. 


Is a sorceress, that specializes in love potions, and has had several desperate people come to her to buy love potions. Unfortunately, she doesn't exactly know what real love is like, and only knows what love potion love is like, which isn't exactly real love. 


She was named after the goddess of the moon (the one long before Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and moon), because she was born during the full moon. Selene is a demigod daughter of the Greek Goddess, Aphrodite. She does not generally like to talk about it, even though her beauty has attracted very many young men, she has no desire to marry and would rather become a priestess of Artemis or Athena, or even join Artemis's hunts. 


Vallara is an elf druid, who is rather upset about Rosa's illegal usage of love potions. Vallara wants to stop things before they get out of hand, because love potions aren't exactly real love since it's controlling the person who you want to love with a potion. Thankfully Vallara has managed to reverse the potion's effects on the victims, but she still hasn't been able to stop Rosa from making them. Every time she tries to find Rosa she seems to have moved her potion shop by way of magic. 
Which character is your favorite? Also, do you have a favorite love song and/or poem? 


P.S. I am currently working on a post that is reviewing two movies, so be sure to keep an eye out for that, even though I don't exactly know when I am going to publish it yet.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Introducing some Characters: Holiday themed Characters

Happy Holidays everyone! :) 
To celebrate the holidays I thought I should introduce some holiday themed characters (and bring back the Introducing Some Characters series):

                                         The Holiday Fairy 

                 She shows up in a story from last year. Representing all the winter holidays, she spreads joy and cheer to everyone who celebrates them. Though her job can be very tiring she manages to find time to do it. (The holidays that are represented on her outfit are Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanzaa.)

                  Mistletoe (AKA Niamh)

                                 The Christmas elf???? 

What is an elf who is skilled in archery and fencing doing working in the north pole? 
No one is sure, not even the fairies who work with the Christmas elves, but even though her skills are different from the other elves, she manages to wrap the presents and make them for the children in the most surprising and awesome ways. She also gets very excited about the holidays, but unfortunately at some times she is prone to get nervous about attacks from monsters and is on alert at all times, and to be safe she keeps daggers in her socks.  

     Alyssa the Reindeer Trainer 

Training Santa's reindeer is one of the hardest jobs, and only a fairy who is purest in heart can do it. That's why Alyssa was asked to train them. When she ended up getting the job, her wings were turned magically into beautiful and colorful wings. 
She dearly loves animals. It is natural for a fairy to love them, but she has been attracted to reindeer the most, and has always wanted to see Rudolph's red nose glow. To train the reindeers how to fly she uses special fairy dust. 


Though he doesn't work as a Christmas elf he lives with Mistletoe (Niamh) and is one of the very few elves who isn't a Christmas elf. He goes on quests around the north pole, is a very quiet person and rarely talks about his adventures. 

Which character is your favorite? 



Sunday, August 19, 2018

August Drawings (It's Been Awhile Since I Made a Drawing Post)

Hello everyone, I realize it's been awhile since I've made a drawing post. So I thought today was the perfect day to make one. So, let's begin. 

Here are the drawings: 

A drawing of Florence from Death in Paradise.
I hope in the near future to draw more drawings of the characters from that TV show. 

I like the way this drawing of Rapunzel turned out, I tried to make her outfit look a little like it looks in the TV show. 

A drawing of Merida. I like the way it turned out.

Annabelle's hair in this drawing is a little bit more curly than I normally draw it. 

A drawing of a mermaid, 
this is the first time 
I've drawn a mermaid with scales on her face and skin. 

This is a drawing of a character I made (that I hope to use soon), who can shape shift into a unicorn. When she is human she tends to have rainbow hair (like her mane when she is a unicorn) and a horn, though it can be rather awkward when she is close to people and accidentally bumps them with the horn. 


                                        Which drawing is your favorite? 
P.S. I wanted to say thank you to everyone for the amazing comments (on both my blogs) I will respond to all of them soon.