Sunday, August 2, 2020

YOUR ANSWERS NEEDED: Let's Design a Character Together!

 This requires participation from you, dear reader, we are creating a character with the answers to these questions. The character who shows up in this might end up becoming either a recurring character on this blog, a god or goddess for one of the my pantheons in my Fantasy worlds, or even something else entirely different. It is all up to you to decide.

So, fill out the form (it is anonymous, it won't record your email address or Google account, so you can leave answers to the questions and I can't tell who left it):

I intend to film myself creating the character. I will begin after receiving all the answers, in a few weeks or a little longer depending on how long it takes to get enough answers to make the character. I intend to demonstrate my method for creating characters--at least one the ways I do it. Also, I'll get to see what a majority of you enjoy seeing in characters. This will be a challenge for me, but I am very up to trying this challenge. And once I have a way to film myself drawing and I do this once, I can probably repeat this process in the future.
Who is your favorite character? Also do you have a favorite archetype to write? 



  1. It will be great to see you draw the character. I cant wait to see what you come up with and the form was fun to fill out!
    Thanks a lot Quinley for support on my blog.

  2. Ooh this was a lot of fun to fill out, Quinley!!! I can't wait to see how you draw the characters!!! :D

    1. Thank you, MiddleEarthMusician. :) I can't wait to draw them. :)

  3. It looks like this could be an interesting project Quinley and I shall look forward to seeing the result. :)

  4. Looking forward to seeing the result!

    1. Thank you, I have the first result filmed and am editing it, it should be up soon. :)

  5. This is such a cool idea! So many fun options in here, it was hard to pick!

    1. Thank you, Meri. :) I'm glad you had fun taking the survey. :D


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