Today is my blog's seventh anniversary!
It was fun reading everyone's answers and coming up with a character based on them. It caused me to end up with a character, who is different from my other characters.
The Video
Here's the video of the finished character, showing how I ended up coming up with her from your responses. It took me some brainstorming to figure out how your ideas should come together to create a cohesive character, but I like how the end result turned out.
🎸Find out more about Denisse Grigory🎸
She wants to be known for her work and for her band to dominate the (music) world. While she isn't religious (instead she is more spiritual), she would like to be enlightened spiritually, as she views her magic and her music as beneficial to her spiritual journey. She lost her parents (they vanished mysteriously), so her immediate goal is to reunite with them.
Denisse is someone you don't want to cross: while she is a healer for her band mates, she is intimidating to those who aren't. She also has a dark sense of humor, which is well received by her band mates, but not by everyone, and she sometimes worries she will lose a friend over it.
However, the stability of her band-life doesn't last, because one of her bandmates gets murdered-- and it appears that not everything is what it seems, for everyone could be lying.
(Denisse in wolf form).
🎶 Playlist 🎶
While not all the songs in this playlist ended up being the character's theme song, I thought I would compile all the songs that people suggested into a playlist.
If you don't have a Spotify here is the Youtube version, which you can listen to here.
Anyway, this was fun! Thank you to everyone who participated in this. It was awesome seeing how the answers came together to create a character.
What do you like most about Denisse? Also, do you like designing characters? If, so what's your favorite part about character creation/design?