Showing posts with label Blogiversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogiversary. Show all posts

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Denisse Grigory the Shapeshifting Rock-star | The Result of the Survey


Today is my blog's seventh anniversary! 

It was fun reading everyone's answers and coming up with a character based on them. It caused me to end up with a character, who is different from my other characters. 

The Video 

Here's the video of the finished character, showing how I ended up coming up with her from your responses. It took me some brainstorming to figure out how your ideas should come together to create a cohesive character, but I like how the end result turned out. 

๐ŸŽธFind out more about Denisse Grigory๐ŸŽธ

Denisse Griggory is a rock-star touring with her band in an urban fantasy world. She has the ability to shape shift and often shape shifts into a wolf. Besides that, she has nature healing spells that she can play on her guitar. She mainly uses her electric guitar to perform magic, while the shapeshifting was a power she got at birth. Her parents were trying to make her stand out when they had her, so they decided to name her Denice with a double s, instead of a c. (And also she views them as being weird for naming her that, but despite that she has never changed her name and wonders if her parents were obsessed with snakes). 

She wants to be known for her work and for her band to dominate the (music) world. While she isn't religious (instead she is more spiritual), she would like to be enlightened spiritually, as she views her magic and her music as beneficial to her spiritual journey. She lost her parents (they vanished mysteriously), so her immediate goal is to reunite with them. 

Denisse is someone you don't want to cross: while she is a healer for her band mates, she is intimidating to those who aren't. She also has a dark sense of humor, which is well received by her band mates, but not by everyone, and she sometimes worries she will lose a friend over it.

However, the stability of her band-life doesn't last, because one of her bandmates gets murdered-- and it appears that not everything is what it seems, for everyone could be lying. 

(Denisse in wolf form). 

 ๐ŸŽถ Playlist ๐ŸŽถ

While not all the songs in this playlist ended up being the character's theme song, I thought I would compile all the songs that people suggested into a playlist. 

If you don't have a Spotify here is the Youtube version, which you can listen to here

Anyway, this was fun! Thank you to everyone who participated in this. It was awesome seeing how the answers came together to create a character. 
What do you like most about Denisse? Also, do you like designing characters? If, so what's your favorite part about character creation/design? 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

It's My Blog's Anniversary! (+ Drawings)

Greetings Travelers, 
Yesterday (March 9th) was my blog's anniversary, and while I will be doing more posts like this (videos of me drawing digitally) in the future, I thought I'd introduce this new style of post through my blog's anniversary. 

You can also watch it here 

In the last post I shared a drawing of Phoenix that I was thinking of turning into a water color. I ended up not doing that, because I was worried I'd mess up the drawing. 
So I instead decided to color it digitally. 

You can also watch it here 

While I didn't include this drawing in the last post, I thought I would recolor the drawing of Annabelle (above) that I thankfully had taken a picture of because the drawing got messed up. 
Which of the two drawings are your favorite? Have you done drawing digitally before? If so what software did you use? 


Sunday, September 13, 2020

An Art Thief Named Gaia | The Result of The Survey...

Greetings travelers, 

The Survey is still open, so you are still able to take the survey and help create a character if you didn't know about this or missed the post from earlier. I just wanted to use the answers I had already received to create a character and draw it. This doesn't mean this is the last character creation video I am going to make because I have others I am excited to do... 

                                           Here are the two videos:

You can also watch it here

                                                            You can also watch it here

This was incredibly fun to make and Gaia is a type of character I've never created before.
What is your favorite mystical creature? If you could control one element (Air, Earth, Water, Fire) which would you choose? 


P.S. For people who are very busy and sitting down and watching a whole monologue would take up too much of your time, I've started posting excerpts along with full length monologues. My most recent one is excerpts from my monologues from Romeo and Juliet.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

My Characters make a post for my Blogiversary

Hello "blog" readers, this is Horatio and... 

Phoenix and...

Lady Annabelle and...

Tess Short. 

As you may have noticed, Quinley never has characters like us, make posts--- 

Oh, so we will have our own characters that we make up, write a "blog post" in their point of view??

That's actually not what I meant...but, as I was about to say, her dolls have posted before on her doll blog and to show we are equal to her dolls, we as main characters have decided to make one big blog post. We don't exactly know how to use a "computer"(something used by non-fictional people), so we are using a magical spell to write this, hence the reason each of us have different text colors when we speak. Also, if you are wondering why Lady Annabelle is able to talk, well, we used the spell to do that, unfortunately it doesn't work in my story-- 

Your story (that you're writing) has no magic in it? 

No, it does. Why would you think I'm writing it? I'm the main character! Oh...never mind....

Hello again "blog" viewers. Getting to the point: we are making this post because Quinley's blog's anniversary is rolling around. We thought instead of her making a blog post for it, we, the main characters, would make the post...though I am still upset with her because my first book came to an end, and I was enjoying it so much. (Don't tell her.) 

Well, you can write a new story then. 

Phoenix that's not what I was talking about, never mind...

So, in the post we will talk about what the author has done to us, of course without spoiling the stories.Though that won't be too hard because we have no idea what will happen in the stories she hasn't finished. Unfortunately, the author is scary in that way. 

You could just plot it, you know. 



You sound like a writer! 

I am...well, I am a poet, and do sometimes write short stories, but what?, let's get to the post. 

The writer has a fellow main character offer you a chance to go on an adventure what do you do? 

I actually, never had this happen to me, I was never offered go on an adventure. I was offered a chance to solve a mystery though...but that sort of just happened. 

I tried to avoid it at all costs...but that sort of failed. 

What?? Um...I am not sure how to answer this, first of all what do you mean by "fellow main character"? And what on earth!? 

I...well, I...I think I must be dreaming, or something. But, I am not exactly sure how to answer this, I still think I'm dreaming...but an adventure sounds fun! 

The writer threatens the life of your best friend, what do you do? 

Yell at the author at random times, especially when they are doing random things like watching a "movie", taking a shower or bath, or trying to sleep. Once that happens, they probably won't hurt my friend. 

Bother...I should have done that when she was writing the story. I probably should do that when she is writing Tess Short (Book Two), and then she wouldn't do awful things to my friends or uncle. 

Uhh... I have had characters in my short stories and poems complain about this to me, but only for a short amount of time, but...what on earth is going on? Why would a fellow writer threaten my best friend? 

Probably complain, or talk to the author if possible...but I think I am most definitely dreaming. 

Author kills off a minor character you like? 

Cry, and then complain. 

Oh, I should have done this, but no one died, so there was no reason, but I assure you NEXT TIME I will. 

If it adds to the plot then, it's fine, but you can't just kill off all the main characters in the first sentence or first chapter (if it is a novel) without a reason. Also, if it is a character I like and know well in the story, even minor, I would be upset. I'd probably talk to the person writing it, send a letter to them, perhaps, but character deaths can be sad for sure, and definitely worth crying over. 


I think....the author did something to him 

Me too)

Complain to the author, and demand they bring the minor character back to life! 

Author gives you a love interest, but doesn't let you kiss them for the entire story? 

It would be improper to kiss them, if we aren't married or engaged. But all the same, that is just unfair. 

Ummm...I should probably add I am not old enough to start courting yet. 

Love stories? Oh great, not love stories...kissing scenes can be so...disgusting. 

That....would be awful for that character... 

Author then gives you love interest but kills them off? 

I do hope that never happens to me. 

I'm still too young to court!

Tragic ending? Interesting... if both love interests die, well, that is the end to the love story. So yay! 


Something is most definitely wrong with Phoenix... 

Perhaps he was brainwashed.)

Oh, that would be awful for them...the character that is, the one who died. 

Author decides to kill everyone off? 

Alright, I just want to say that I do not want to know what the character after life is like. Particularly because I still want to have a happy ending to look forward to, that does not end in death. 

I agree with Horatio, and really author, why does death have to be the end of the story?

Umm...if every character dies in the first chapter, without reason, it isn't done, there has to be a reason for them to die. 

First of all, that's awful, how could an author do such a horrible thing to their beloved characters!? 

Are you happy about Adventure Await's Blogiversary? 

Let me see, I suppose I am, since I wouldn't really be around in a way, if it weren't for the blog. Since I am around, the author stuff to me in my story, but at least the post about the novel I am in got in "popular posts" on the sidebar. 

Same...though I admit I should have talked to the author before my story ended. Well, guess I will have to bother her while she is going through editing. 

Beg your pardon, but what on earth is this Adventure Awaits? And what is a "blogiversary"? 

I admit, I agree with Tess and Horatio. 

So, fellow characters, I hope you get to see how other characters have been treated by their author from this post...and how one of them seems to be very ignorant of the fact that there is an author. So for now, our magical connection is a tiny bit unstable, are some "conversational questions" for the comments section. 
What is by far the worst thing your author has done to you? 
And question from the real blog author: Would you like to see my characters make blog posts in the future? 

-Lady Annabelle 

P.S. (a note from (the real) blog author) 

Character text colors: 

Horatio's color is Light Blue 

Phoenix's color is green 

Tess's color is Purple 

Lady Annabelle's color is Dark blue (Keep in mind that Annabelle is sort of unconscious at the moment, and lost her memory, so her answers may be different than usual.)