Showing posts with label Half elves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Half elves. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2019

There and Back Again: My Progress of Editing Tess Short (Book One)

(You may want to read this blog post before continuing reading this one.) 

Hello everyone,

Since I recently finished writing Tess Short (Book one) which is the book's title for now, until I come up with a better title. I thought I should make a blog post about it so that I can keep track of my editing process...

World building within editing 

Since Tess Short (book one) was one of my first novels, first fantasy ones to be exact. I didn't know that much about world building or what religions fantasy worlds have and stuff like that.

When I looked back at it I realized I didn't know much about the way the world worked. (Other than it being a world that was inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth.) So I decided I would focus a little on the bits of religion that were left out of it...
Like how a (religious) wedding for an elf would go, and how a (religious) wedding for a hobbit would go. And even how weird it would be if a hobbit did a wedding the elf way or even how weird it would be if an elf did a wedding the hobbit way.

The reason I bring this up, is because one of the controversies in Tess's world is why on earth would a hobbit and an elf get married? And are they really able to have children? (The answer is yes, since Tess was born, but it is still a hot topic in her world.)

I thought that I should focus slightly on the way of which Mr. Short and Princess Gletta got married, and how the elves and hobbits reacted to it. (But mostly the hobbits since they are the ones who show up in the prologue.) And why it is so outlandish to have happen in that world. And also how people react to it socially. Some of the questions I am turning around in my head because of this are... Are they treated like an lower class because of the marriage? How well are Tess (and her siblings) treated because of it? Is there any possibility that other elves and hobbits could have married before Gletta and Mr. Short? (If so, are theirs undocumented, and are Mr. Short's and Gletta's marriage the only case of a documented marriage between an elf and a hobbit?)

One thing I am also trying to do is make the world seem a little less like Middle Earth. Though I do want the readers now and then to think that is somewhat like it in ways. But I don't want them to be thinking "oh wow, that sounds exactly like how things work in Middle Earth." This is why through the editing I am going to be expanding both the religion, the magic system, and the world in the rewrite. I also slightly want to use magic more in the story than I did in the first draft.

And one somewhat magical element I have been trying to explore is why names have power. It is something that has shown up in the story that I didn't exactly know the answer to. But I hope to figure out the answer when I rewrite. It seems to be along the lines of why Hades's name (from Greek mythology) was not talked about among the ancient Greeks. In fear that he would take them to the underworld early. But other than that I am not exactly sure what the reason is for elves' names having power, yet.

Fixing the dialogue 

 One problem (which is also going to be fixed through rewriting) is having the character spout words like...

This I found to be a problem, since it sounded way to similar to the way we speak in our world. And not in the slightest old fashioned (as I intended it to feel.) I feel as if when I was writing the first draft I forgot that I didn't want the characters to sound like how a child or an adult from our world would talk. I also want to fix the dialogue and pacing in general. 

When looking back at this dialogue, it felt a little flat... 

And it just happened so quickly in the first draft. Out of nowhere Tess is asked to go on an adventure, and I didn't even give the readers enough time to get to know her before the adventure began. There were little weird things here and there like Tess not knowing her own age and somehow thinking one hundred years had past when so little had (I think it was because I didn't know Tess's age when I was first writing it, but, I found a way to fix it within the storyline now.)  

More character development 

Tess was a developed character, but everyone else in the story I felt as if I didn't take that much time to develop... 

One character I have been exploring is Gletta Short (formerly known as Princess Gletta.) Since she in the first draft was a (somewhat) peaceful character. And now since I know her it turns out that she is in on a daily lookout for monsters (since this is what she is used to doing.) Though she is calm sometimes especially when around her husband or children, but is much more used to being on the lookout at all times. Due to learning this information, I figured out what her day job was.
Which turned out to be a blacksmith, the particular kind of blacksmith that she is, is one that specializes in making weapons. Which is appropriate to her character since she is a fighter.

But yet, I can imagine despite all her active fighting and everything that she is used to doing, I can imagine her singing a lullaby that sounds like this to her children:

                                 Sleepsong by secret garden 

You can also listen to it here
(Though the term "angels" that is used in the song would be replaced with a spirit-like figure that is protective in the elven religion.)

Because of how useful this development was, I think I need to focus more on each member of Tess's group...

(an old drawing I found of each the members from left to right, Silena, Thistle, Tess, Robin, Inny) 
And figure out what their motivations are, since I haven't fully figured that out. 
I know what Tess's motivation is, but I don't know what everyone else's fully is. 
I also want to know why Robin wanted Tess to go on the adventure in the first place, why did he choose her? Also, did he think the adventure was going to turn out of the way that it did? These are questions right now, that I haven't figured out the answer to. But I assume I will once I start developing each of their characters. 

So I hoped you enjoyed the look at my editing process so far... 
How does your editing usually go? What's your favorite thing to work on when editing? (Even if editing is far from enjoyable.) 


Friday, January 11, 2019

I Finished a Rough Draft of Tess Short Book One!

Hi everyone, and happy 2019!
I finally finished my first draft of Tess Short Book one!
I began writing this story and posting chapters on this blog in 2016, and finished writing it in 2019, so I've been working on this book for two and a half years. I should also briefly mention that this was one of my first stories, so my writing was slightly different then, than it is now.

 I am happy to have written a story with Tess as a main character, and I hope to write the second book, sometime, though not really soon, because another story is calling me.

Also, this story was written for a younger audience than my other books, so in a way it is a children's novel.  Another thing I should mention is that in this novel some of the characters are parodies of Lord of the Rings characters. ;)

Tess Short is a "normal" half elf half hobbit, until she sets off on an adventure to save elves and fairies, who are mysteriously disappearing. 


A half elf half hobbit. Who struggles with being one, and sometimes wishes she was only an elf, or only a hobbit. 

Lida and Finn 

Tess's twin brother and sister, who tend to get into arguments over silly things. 


A dryad princess and warrior, who joins Tess on the quest to figure out why elves and fairies are disappearing. 


The person who told Tess about the disappearance of elves and fairies. 


A half human half hag, who is Robin's best friend. 

King Tirfendiel 

Tess's uncle, who is king of the Woodland Realm, and has a sword that he carries with him that glows bright green.

Lauralas and George 

An elf and a dwarf who are close friends and are members of Eldon's book club.


A fairy prince who joins Tess on the quest to figure out why elves and fairies are disappearing.  


The leader of a book club, who really, really wants to be an elf
and chooses elf related books for the members to read. 


Eldon's niece who is an half elf, who joined his book club. 

I tried to include excerpts that are recent but don't really spoil the story. 

"Oh.” she said, but didn’t seem so convinced, but decided not to ask, sometimes new comers were different in unusual ways, but…he didn’t seem so unusual, maybe, it was just her, but she thought he was elvish in a way with his golden curled hair, and deep blue eyes, but he was a hobbit, so how could he be elvish? 
-Chapter 32. 

 He didn’t catch much of what she said after that except for a few words, “Magic”, “Mistake”, and “Wasn’t my fault” though the last one was three words. 
-Chapter 30 

You can read the complete first draft here on Wattpad.  

The Story Soundtrack-  

You can also listen to it here 
This was one of the first story soundtracks I created so it has a mix of different songs, including songs from Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and a few Disney songs. 

What was one of your first books you ever finished writing the rough draft of? 

P.S. My next novel that I plan to write is a Fantasy novel, and here is one of the songs from the story soundtrack that I am making for it:
You can also listen to it here 
 That's all I am going to say for now, and you are left to wonder what the story is about. ;)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Why Choosing Actors and Actresses to "Play" Your Characters Helps You See Them Better

Hi  everyone.
Now, as it happens my characters don't always want to look like actors/actresses, but some do, and those who do tend to completely decide who they look like.

Why it helps 

I have found this happening in one of my stories that I did not have a clear vision of what my character's face looked like. I knew what their hair and their entire body looked like except for their face. It was like they were turning away from me. (Which I may add they probably were.)

One of the characters that actually introduced me to choosing actors and actresses to play my characters was Lady Annabelle. It took her several books to finally decide what she looked like. And in one of them she decided she looked like Emma Watson. Here is a photo edit I made of her:
(original image from Rotten Tomatoes, ) 
 As you can see from this picture choosing an actress or actor to "play" your character does not change their hair color, or if they are human or an elf or whatever you had in mind for them.

Also with my main character Horatio it took me a long time to find an actor to "play" him,
until after rewatching a few episodes of the TV series Death in Paradise and watching the movie adaptation of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (2004), where the actor Kris Marshall plays both Gratiano and Humphrey Goodman. He caught my eye as being like Horatio. (Horatio had more control of what he looked like than I did.)

(Image from Rotten Tomatoes, 

After Horatio suddenly decided that he looked like that it actually influenced the way I drew him.

A Older drawing of Horatio:                   And a newer one: 

As you can see from my drawings, Horatio got quite developed because of choosing an actor. 

How it helps with writing 
Sometimes I have found that when I am (pretending) to talk to a character that my voice is the one responding to me, not my character's. (This mostly happens if the conversation is taking place in my head.) But if it is my voice responding to me instead of the character's voice then it can be kind of annoying. It's like I am talking to myself and not my character. Now this is where choosing actors/actresses to "Play" your characters comes in handy. If of course you decide to choose the actor or actress because of their acting and not because they look like how you imagine your character. (Though it is important to choose an actor or actress that looks like your character even if only in the face.)
If you have seen the actor or actress act before even if it is only once or even just in a trailer it can help you to understand what your character's voice sounds like. (Even if you decide to slightly modify the actor or actress's voice to go along with your character.)
But if you haven't I recommend at leaast watching a movie or TV show that they are in, but if you don't have the time for either then just watch a trailer from a movie they are in.

How this could help with writing screenplays 
 I've never really written a screenplay or script before, even though I do want to. But let's say you are a writer for a movie, TV show, etc. And you have a famous actor or actress who was asked to play the main character in the movie or TV show. As you write the script (if it wasn't already written) you probably would imagine the actor or actress playing the character. So before you get into writing screenplays for plays or movies or TV shows, these recommendations might be good to do in the meantime.

Do you choose actors and actresses to "play" your characters? If so then which ones? 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

If My Characters Lived in Modern Times

Hi everyone, Camp Nanowrimo has started!:) I am so excited!:)
Also Happy (belated) Easter and April Fool's Day (I didn't have a post planned for either, since I was working on my blog anniversary posts).
 Anyway, on with the post, here is what my characters might do if they lived in modern times:

Lady Annabelle 

from the Lady Annabelle Mystery Series 

Annabelle would probably be a police (or private) 
detective, if she lived in modern times (and if she wasn't a princess).  
She would love reading mystery novels like, Sherlock Holmes, Murder Most Unladylike
The Secret of The Sealed Room

Mr. Robertson 

from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: The New School Master (my fan fiction of Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

He would probably be a teacher of literature and history,
and would be especially fascinated with the American Revolutionary War 
(and would be trying to figure out how the British lost). 
He would live in New York (near Sleepy Hollow.)

Tesariel (Tess) Short 

from Tess Short book one 

                                           Tess would probably be a writer
                               (and compete in NaNoWrimo and Camp NaNoWrimo),
                          would be a member of a book club, and would be a huge LOTR
                                (The Lord of the Rings) and Hobbit fan.

What would characters do if they lived in modern times? Which of my characters is your favorite? 


P.S. I may not be able to post as much as I normally do, since I will be doing Camp NaNoWrimo.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Some characters

Hello everyone happy easter I hope you are enjoying easter, anyway I have some characters I am currently working on that I am excited to show you!:) 

Riona "Fire"

Shapeshifter/ guardian/ Phoenix 

Riona is the guardian of the main hero Celtiere.
she is a phoenix who can shape-shift into a human , 
Riona tends to be hot-headed most of the time... 
but at times she can be very loyal.  

Healer/ Ranger/ Has a British Accent 

I haven't found a good name for her yet , 
but she is an elf from Britain 
who came to Ireland (where the story takes place). 
she has a British accent and knows how to use herbs and natural magic. 
She also carries around a long-bow.


Ranger/ Half elf/ has a magic cross-bow

Celtiere is the main character in the story. 
He is a hero in training and has been training since 
he was young. and he yet to go on his first quest. 
He is the son of a lord and lady , and is destined to be the next ruler 


I am planning on making more characters for this series (which I will write after I finish writing about Tess) Before I start plotting it out I feel like it will need 2 more characters 

Which character is your favorite? and how is CampNanowrimo going for you? Feel from to comment below 

