Showing posts with label father's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father's day. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Introducing Some Characters: Fathers

Hello everyone and happy Father's Day,
It seems like in most fantasy stories both parents are either dead or are just never mentioned.
So, I thought for Father's Day I would make a post containing fathers of fictional characters, not necessarily the fathers of characters from my most recent projects, but father characters I came up for my other characters:

He is the father of Elm, and is a dryad who possesses nature magic. 
Wherever he walks plants grow, and birds and other animals come out of hiding. 

He is a very calm person, and doesn't really fight, unless he has to. 
And when he does fight, he ties his enemies up in vines or has animals tackle them. 


He is the father of Arnia.
He is a sorcerer who keeps the blue jewel safe. He was given this duty a long time ago 
and has persisted in it since.  Over the years people have tried to steal it, 
so they can figure out how to use the jewel's abilities. Only one knows how to use it 
but the one hasn't come yet...or so he thinks.  
He is the father of Riona. 
He trains and breeds phoenixes for a living in the green hills of Ireland. 
His daughter went on a quest years ago, but hasn't returned. 
He isn't sure if something happened on the quest that caused her not to be able to return 
or whether she is still on the quest. 

Which character is your favorite? 


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's day drawings

Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a happy Father's Day!
To celebrate I drew some Father's Day drawings:

Mr. short and (young) Tess, I rather like how it turned out... 
it was quite fun to draw. 

Elm and her father, I actually didn't know what Elm's father looked like (or if he even existed) 
but he turned out well. 

A drawing of Marigold (who is the adopted daughter of D.I. Time) and Detective Inspector Time, 
I like how it turned out. 

Which drawing is your favorite? And what are your character's fathers like? 


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy father's day (special post for my dad)

Hi everyone, Happy Sunday...and it turns out today is Father's Day. I actually worked on several draft posts before deciding on what to write. Originally today I was going to do a review of a movie I had recently seen, but I decided since it was Father's Day I should write a post about how my dad helped inspire my writing.

The neat thing was my dad and I talked about story ideas in coffee shops, we talked about how the magic in a certain world in my stories worked, and how I plotted out my mystery novels...and who did it. and sometimes he would even inspire story ideas for my novels and short stories...

He also was the one who helped me find Blogger, helped me start a blog, and taught me how to use HTML and style sheets.

Thank you, Dad for inspiring me!


How is your Father's Day going? And has your dad ever helped you with writing or something else? 

