Showing posts with label Delphi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delphi. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday Drawings

Hi everyone!:)
I thought today was a good day to post a  drawing
post. So here are the drawings: 

I talked about Eric Hunt's former spy partner in this post 
Though I never mentioned who his new partner is. 
This drawing is of Eric's new partner... who 
I haven't found a name for yet. 

A drawing of Gletta  (one of my characters) as a 
Jane Austen Heroine. 

A  realistic drawing of one of my characters from a 
novel I wrote a long time ago... this drawing 
is of Delphi who is a half siren, half human. 
This is a drawing of Annabelle...
I enjoyed drawing her hair. 

This is a drawing I drew a while ago, of one of my 
characters: Destiny... 
She is an oracle...And I hope to write a few stories about her soon. 

This is an another drawing of Annabelle... 
even though Annabelle tends not to 
wear much make up (or any at all) 
there may be a scene in the next book, 
where the servants  give Annabelle too much make up... 
(considering Annabelle is a half elven princess the servants 
tend to do almost everything for her even if she doesn't want them too)

This drawing is based on a scene 
where Tirfindiel (one of my elf characters)
                                                  accidentally gets turned into a hobbit.


Which drawing is your favorite? What would you like to see me draw next? 


P.S I will respond to the comments from my previous post as soon as I can.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The dairy of Delphi entry one

Entry one
Dear dairy, I have set off on this quest to help the kingdom and probably find my Long-lost-perants at the same time. (Wherever they are)
as well as finding a friend tor two. I met fairy today her name is Emily Stella. she said she is joining the quest to save Queen Anne’s kingdom. 

songs  from the sea
