Showing posts with label Aurinda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aurinda. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Introducing Some Characters: My Dungeons and Dragons Characters (P.1)

Hello everyone, 

It's been a while since I've done my "Introducing Some Characters..." series, so I decided to revive it. I thought it was time to introduce you to my Dungeons and Dragons characters. I do have some other D&D  characters, but at the moment I am going to introduce you to the ones that I've actually played in campaigns: 

                                            Jinx Jekyll 

Bio: Jinx (which is his alias) is a half elf rogue, and he somehow manages to get a whole following of people who believe he is a god. Unfortunately for them, he has stolen most of their money, but fortunately, they  eventually find out he is not really a god and is conning them. (And the real gods weren't so happy about that either...) Jinx was orphaned and grew up on the street having to fend for himself. He doesn't know who his parents are, but if they are still alive he hopes they didn't abandon him. 

Playing history: I've only played Jinx in one campaign, I intend to play him again if I get a chance to and maybe expand on his character more than I have already, and maybe develop him to see where he goes.

                                      Aurinda Van Visser 


Bio: Aurinda is an elven Druid. She comes from Sleepy Hollow and is something of a story teller. For reasons the townsfolk are unsure of Aurinda has a bit of a grudge against Katrina Van Tassel. Aurinda really enjoys nature, and tends to use a spell often to turn herself into different animals, horses being her favorite to turn into. She is a firm believer in ghosts and the supernatural. Aurinda went on a journey for a while to explore other parts of the world, and then came back to Sleepy Hollow only to find out the Headless Horseman was terrorizing it. 

Playing history: I ended up creating Aurinda for a Legend of Sleepy Hollow themed campaign. Aurinda was the first character I've done a full campaign with.  I would like to use her again in the future, but I will have to find a way to seperate her from the story and/or put her in another Gothic-themed Campaign. At the moment I am using her in a Legend of Sleepy Hollow retelling.          

                 Elvin (pronounced AL-vin) The Silver 

Bio: Elvin is a human wizard, who worked for a king a very long time ago and gave him wise advice. However one day upon giving a young man advice about how to treat the King, he then decided maybe it was best not to follow his own advice and insulted the King. He was thrown out of the kingdom and became a wandering wizard giving advice to anyone who would listen. Elvin is very impulsive and uses the spell FireBolt whenever he can. This spell can lead to dangerous situations, but it can also be very useful. 

Playing History: This was the first time I played a human and the first time I've played a wizard in a D&D campaign. It was a very different experience, but a fun one because I created a different character than I usually do. (Most of my characters are elves). 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which character is your favorite? And have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? 


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quarantined Characters (Part One)

Since we are going to be quarantined for long a time. I decided I would make a series revolving around different characters being stuck at home. Not necessarily because of the same virus but because of something else in their world. Even though it is not talking about this quarantine, I am going to be calling it "Quarantined Characters." But, this won't just be talking about what the characters will do; it might also involve doing drawings, short stories, and stuff like that.
And since I have a lot of characters, some of them even in totally different genres from the others,
I am dividing this post up into parts.

Let's begin:

Elm is a dryad and spirit of her tree. Because of this she would not be afraid about being stuck in it for a while. But what Elm would do if she were ever stuck in her tree would be to practice her singing and learn to play a musical instrument that some human had left behind.


Rules to Annabelle are more like guidlines anyway, so she would have difficulty following them strictly, especially since her father, Lord Oberon, would be so cautious about making sure she stays inside. He would be cautious perhaps to a ridiculous extent. And because of this, this would be Annabelle's first plan:

1. Disguise herself as man in order to be unrecognizable.
2. Grab her detective equipment, and bring it along with her.
3.  Tie her bedsheets together to get out through her window.
4. And finally once she is down, go solve homicides.

However, suppose she isn't able to escape the castle at this time, because something happens and she realizes it would be bad to try to escape* or Oberon reinforces the guarding of the castle.

She would instead respond to letters from people who had murder cases for her, and she would do this under the name of her detective alter ego

She would also in her spare time practice self defense, as she wouldn't want to be defenseless when the world is on edge, and it might be life threatening. Like everything she does, she would have to make sure she does it in secret, because a lot of people in the castle would consider it "unladylike."

*Because of the ongoing threat that caused everyone to have to stay inside. Not because she would ever want to stay in the castle like everyone wants her to. 


If she was stuck inside for a long period, Ashalena would spend her time drawing and sketching.
The things she would find most relaxing to draw during this time would be wildlife, nature, and landscapes, because even if she can't go out to see them, she would still like to imagine them.
She would send her drawings to people during that time, to brighten the mood of the situation. She also would include handwritten notes with the drawings she sent to them.

She would also pray to the gods that the threat (whether it be fires, flooding, illness, or monsters) would leave soon. Ashalena would ask the priests and priestesses through letters if the threat is at all an omen from the gods, and if so what it means, and what person angered the gods enough to cause it. If you are the empress of the country, or are going be the empress, you do have to talk to the gods or try to communicate with them, especially if the country depends deeply on it.

                                     Aurinda & Ichabod 

Aurinda would probably end up getting stuck with Ichabod--yes, whether she likes it or not.
And since they already have a lot of problems on their hands, with ghosts like the The Headless Horseman, Aurinda would make sure that they had as many battle or escape strategies as possible, so they could make it out in one piece. She learned a lot from fighting in the American revolution. Meanwhile, Ichabod would be hanging up garlic in various places, as well as putting his other lucky charms everywhere. Given that Aurinda and Ichabod don't tend to always agree on everything (more often they don't agree about magic, and whether or not it is good or evil) they would probably be arguing with each other from time to time, which is not very good if there is a threat of death.


If Phoenix was stuck inside he would cuddle under a blanket and write poetry. He would also write letters to his best friend, and ask how she is doing. He would work on improving his book of poetry that he wants to publish, editing and/or rewriting his poems while he is sitting in his room.
 If anything, he would be doing a lot of writing to make his stress go away. (After all being stuck inside for a long period of time is stressful.)
What would your characters do if they were quarantined? Would they panic or would they remain calm? 
