Saturday, January 14, 2017

Getting Characters onto Paper (part 1)

Hi everyone, so today I’m going to talk about characters. 

sometimes it’s hard to get ideas, for characters. So sometimes , I have trouble deciding who they should be. Backstory , personality traits things like that. 
sometimes it’s good to take a brake for a little. and walk away from your note-pad or Computer screen. 
Listen to Music, Read a book , go for a walk, draw etc. . then after you feel settled and are relaxed and not stressed go back to your note-pad or computer. And write down your ideas for your character. A character sheet can be useful, it can be easy to collect your thoughts that way. 

giving your characters Names 

sometimes , you have a great character but they don’t have a name. don’t worry names don’t always come right away, sometimes they take awhile to come. 
But if your looking for good names, sometimes going to random name generator or a baby name website can be helpful. Also bringing a note-book with you wherever you go can be helpful, if you see any interesting names then write them down. Then you can look through your note-book , and find the name that clicks into place with your character. 


appearance is very important for the story. Does your character have freckles? A scar? 
do they have bangs? what color are their eyes? 

To get ideas bringing a note-book (as I said before) with you can be useful, write down things you see, without staring (people might take it the wrong way if you stare)  

then search through your note-book again for ideas. (I learned this in a writing class) don’t describe hair with one single color because shades of many colors. 
brown can have highlights of Blond or Red. Blond can have highlights of brown or other shades of blond. 

eye color , for eye color. you can describe them in many ways. Sometimes I describe their eyes like this:

the sea after the storm ( dark blue) 

they where as brown as tree bark (Brown) 

pine-needle green (dark green) 

black eyed (either dark brown or dark blue. phrase used in The Highwayman

and many more. 

Personality Traits and quirks 

Making your character realistic can be hard sometimes. 

sometimes I make a character unrealistically perfect. 

If your character is overly perfect the reader is less likely to like them… 

here are some personality traits















has a unusual fear 

is clumsy 

has a unusual obsession with something 

does a movement with their hands while talking 


Backstories are important for characters, it makes them who they are… 

how did they end up going on this adventure? what made them what they want to become? 

here are some back story ideas: 

They lost someone they loved 

They where betrayed 

They come from a normal family but have a past that they are unaware of. 

They lost their memory 

and more...


I hope this was helpful, I will be posting part 2 soon...


Do you like creating characters? and which one is your favorite of the ones you created? 

Feel free to comment!:) 


  1. It is very interesting to see your thoughts. It makes me feel like I am seeing your writing in process

  2. This is a pretty good list, Quinley. I admit that I don't think about the "character appearance" stuff as much as you recommend, but the rest is pretty consistent with my thoughts.

    The way I typically think of characters is to start with a role—to ask myself, "What kind of personality/skillset do I think this story needs?" or, "What kind of personality/skillset would be fun to explore in this setting?"

    So, if our story is set in the middle ages, I might enjoy having a character who's a very devout priest of a religion that he invented or that is not very popular. If we're in a futuristic/science fiction setting, maybe it would be fun to have a robot who was programmed and physically designed for one task (e.g. vacuuming floors) and who then becomes convinced that his true calling in life is something very different (e.g. playing to stock market to win a majority share in the cleaning company that he is owned by, seizing control of the company, and turning all of the humans/biologicals into floor-cleaners, themselves).

    Once you know who the main characters are and the story you want to tell, then you can fill in the gaps around that. Naturally, every story needs some normal characters to go with the weird ones. And, like you pointed out, they all need backstories and skills and quirks and personality traits of their own, in order to be interesting.

    Is this way, making a story can be fun for me, like solving a puzzle... but with your imagination.


    1. Thank you Jason , I tend to try to imagine the characters in appearance then add on things about them...

      that's neat, I do something sillmair too , There is a story I will probably be writing (and posting) about after I finish Tess's first book. So far it only has two characters Celtiere (the half elf) who unlike most elves in this world does not know how to use a bow and arrow, instead he uses a cross-bow...
      and Riona "Fire" a phoenix who guards the kingdom and it's rulers , she can turn into a human if she wants. But the really doesn't get along with Celtiere.
      You can see them here:

      I find that using high concept for characters can be useful, especially for characters and there stories, I often when writing story try to think of something that hasn't been done before...
      (like your ideas)


    2. thank you, this was really helpful!:)


  3. I love your site and your blog. I haven't read it all but I loved looking at the pictures, dolls, and seeing that you are doing a lot of writing. You go girl!



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