Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Thou Knowest the Mask of Night is On My Face (A performance from Act II Scene II)

Greetings fellow actors, 
The interview that I am currently filming and writing with two characters, who are my own, is currently a work in progress (I have only filmed a few scenes, and I have not finished writing the script for it). As for right now, I thought I'd post another monologue. This one I only used for one audition, and the character, Juliet, I was playing I did not like as much as I liked Hamlet or Mercutio or Romeo or Malvolio or Viola for that matter. However Juliet was an interesting character to get into the mind of, even if she isn't my favorite character. 

You can also watch it here
Other things I plan to do in the future besides filming the character interview (and posting another version of To Be or Not To Be along with a few other monologues), will be to post some scenes  from contemporary plays, movies, and TV shows. So, be sure to keep your eyes open for that!
Who is your favorite character from Romeo and Juliet? Do you think Romeo and Juliet is a romance or a tragedy, or a mix of both? 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Mr. Robertson's letter (A short story.)

(Before reading this post, just so everyone knows when I say The Legend of Sleepy Hollow I do not mean the horror movie, I am talking about The Novella by Washington Irving, this story I am posting is not a horror story.)  

Hi everyone, even though it is not October I decided I should share one of my short stories about Mr. Robertson... (Also this one isn't very "Halloweeny," it's more the romantic subplot side of the story.) This is a test story to get to know my character Mr. Robertson a little bit better...
anyway here is the story:

My dear sister Jennifer,

Love songs, and ballads of woe are often sung in the presence of Katrina Van Tassel. She is the daughter of the rich farmer, who hosted the autumn ball after which Mr. Crane was allegedly chased by the Headless Horse…thing. Twas but a year ago, yet the townsfolk are still talking about it, and gossiping among themselves about what happened to Mr. Crane. 

I am afraid I am going off-topic for what I started telling you about was Ms. Van Tassel. She is the most beautiful girl in Sleepy Hollow and every young man wants to marry her, unless, of course, they were already married or had their mind set on someone else. Ever since I've been in Sleepy Hollow, Brom Van Brunt (for that is his real name, though everyone calls him “Brom Bones,” which is quite a silly name if you ask me) has thought that I too want to marry Katrina, which I have no desire or longing to do. 

From what I heard Mr. Van Ripper, father of one of my pupils, Isabella, and owner of Gunpowder the horse, which Mr. Crane rode on that fateful night, has told me that Brom is known for punching suitors of Katrina. Brom wants Katrina for himself and only him. I do believe that Miss Van Tassel hates being thought of as an object, prize to be won, or a damsel in distress, though when I talked to her she showed no signs of that. 

Besides meeting Katrina, I have also met another young woman. Her name I can not place (However if do remember it I shall tell you). She is quite skilled with the musket and is equal in skill to Brom (she is possibly even better than Brom). Some townsfolk even claim that she disguised herself as a solider and fought in the Revolutionary War (against England), though I can not verify, if this true or not, for she tends to keep to herself and has no desire for love. 

How are things going in England? And how is your book going? 

Your loving brother,
Mr. Robertson 

What do you think? What do you think of the woman who Mr. Robertson says is better at shooting a musket than Brom? 
