Thursday, July 8, 2021

Blog Updates 2021

(Images used from Pexels and Pixabay) 

Hello everyone, I have some very important updates to tell you: 

 Email subscription updates- 

Since Feedburner went away, and I don't know how long my feed on that will continue to function, I decided to switch to So, if any of you were subscribed via email to my blog before and get a message that says "Please confirm your subscription" know that this from  me. The name may be "Advemture1359" or "Adventure Awaits" given that I claimed both feeds for my doll blog and this one. In either case, if you get an email from, know that it not spam. 

       This is what the new follow by email widget looks like: 

If you're already subscribed or want to subscribe, you can go enter your email into the box on the sidebar

I'm also working on a way to import the emails of people who are subscribed to this blog into the new service, since does allow you to do this. However, I may end up waiting to do that until the feed completely stops working. (Just so you don't get two notifications at the same time, because that would be very annoying). 

If you, too, are a blogger on who needs an email subscription service for your blog in place of Feedburner, I recommend checking out this post  by Jen Ryland. It helped me find Follow.It, and if you need to decide what service to use, I found the article to be really helpful. 

Page updates-

The Meet the Character pages are very outdated, and I don't have a lot of pages for the newer stories or characters. So, I am updating those, and so far I have pages for Phoenix, Oak, SebastianElm, Riona, and Celtiere.

 I also now have a FAQ page. So if you have any questions about this blog or my art that I haven't answered, please ask in the comments. 

That's all for now, 



  1. I should go with too, or at least do some research and see what service to go with. I don't think I have a follow by email function- gah. Should have done that a long time ago *rolls eyes* Thanks for the link to Jen's post too- it looks super helpful.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

    1. I wish you luck then in finding a service that works for you and your blog. :) And I'm glad Jen's post helped, Jen’s post helped me, too.

      You're welcome.

  2. I think I'll try, too in sometime... It seems like a great option! Just check out your new pages and they are really cool! Have a great month :))

    1. Oh neat! I hope works for you. :D And thank you, I had a lot of fun making them. And you, too.

  3. I've been considering as a replacement service. How's it been working for you so far?

    1. has been working well. The only issue I see so far is that people who follow my blog have to set what they want to get as the notification, it won't instantly be RSS. Otherwise I would say it is a good replacement for feedburner.


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