Showing posts with label Celtiere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celtiere. Show all posts

Monday, July 20, 2020

Quarantined Characters (Part Two)

             This is the second in the series of Quarantined Characters, if you wanted to read the first installment go here

Greetings Adventurers!

 This is the second installment of Quarantined Characters, I'm hoping to hear from you (the readers) what short stories you would like to see about these characters while they quarantined. Because one aspect of this series is going to be short stories about the characters in quarantine.

So, let's stay home, wash our hands and see what the characters are doing:


              Oak is used to being away from civilization with her fellow hunters, and the goddess                                Artemis herself.  So she would be distanced enough and secluded from humans.                               
                 Suppose something happens and the hunters have to take refuge in a cave, because
                a wild beast (or a natural disaster) drove them there and they need to regroup and make a                    new plan. In that case, Oak would continue her lessons from Artemis on weaponry,                              wildlife, and other things, while she and the other hunters were trapped.
                     Artemis would also help her carve arrows from the
                    supplies they had around and help her prepare mentally for the next hunt.

                                                            Riona "Fire" & Celtiere 

                The fairies are used to being away from the human world for a while,
               so they would usually be very good at keeping social distance from humans.

 However, keeping a distance from other fay is unusal. They are comfortable with their own kind, so when the need to social distance happened the fay were not at first willing to stay away from each other.

            For Riona and Celtiere social distancing isn't a problem. They would exchange stories around the magical fire. Riona would share her stories of battles she fought and Celtiere would tell stories he made up on the spot. He might also make some up about his parents, who he never knew.



                 Crystal is a Neriad, and is a huntress of Artemis. While they are sheltering in the cave,
                she would help heal other hunters who may have been injured in battle.
                 She would continue her studies with Artemis in nature healing.
           She would learn how to use herbs and other natural things she could find around the cave they are hiding in.

              Crystal would also help Oak create more arrows and sharpen swords, 
               so they are prepared for the next hunt.

                                                   Detective Inspector Time 

Time would be bored out of his mind, with no new cases to solve with everyone stuck inside. 
He would be having trouble figuring out what to do, and everything in his life would feel like it was out of place. He would try and fail to write something he liked, even though he isn't much of a writer. Instead, he would end up using the torn pieces of paper to make paper balls and throw them against the wall or throw his daggers out of boredom. He would miss the exciting part of being a detective. He would be reminded by Annabelle or Marigold, both of which would probably would have found a creative way to be a detective during this time, that he should probably use the resources he has to be a detective. 

So with the resources he has he would... 
1. Write letters to people asking if any suspicious activity has happened. 
2. Make a dart board out of unused love letters (this isn't really part of solving cases, but it is at least worth mentioning). 
3. Imagine chasing down a criminal, and do target practice. (He will assure you that it will indeed be useful in the future). 
4. If any suspicious activity has happened at all, he will investigate from the comforts of home, and continue to interrogate people through letters. 


             Juniper has a hawk, whom she befriended, who helps her during the hunt.
                  She has found a way for there be communication with the other
                 dryads by having her hawk send messages back and forth. She wants to make sure the                        threat which they are dealing with is either gone or that they are able to hunt it down and  kill it, if it is a monster.
                  While in communication with the other dryads, she would talk to some of her friends
                  who love talking to her about how things  have been going with her.  And she would tell                   them that she has  continued her lessons with the goddess, Artemis, during this time. And                       that she is learning to be one with nature, instead of thinking she is above it
                  like mankind wants her to think.


Supposing Iris wasn't able to leave the temple because something was going on, 
she would still continue her trainings with the other priestesses. 

If the threat required them to battle something, they would be among the first defenders  
to fight, after all they had years of training to act as defenders for mortals in physical form from the goddess. The priestesses are not only people who people turn to for religious reasons, but also 
for reasons of protection, because they had been the shield maidens of the goddess and helped defend the gods in one of their past incarnations. 

Assuming Iris didn't need to be called to battle, she would be in prayer in the temple. 
 She would ask the goddess for strength and protection. She would also practice meditation, hoping to get a message from the gods and goddesses through it.  

Who would you rather be quarantined with? And whose quarantine would you like to see me  write a short story about? 


Monday, July 3, 2017

When did we get a fox? (a short story)

So, today I'm going to share a short story I wrote...which involves half elves, phoenixes, and talking foxes...
 For those who haven't heard of Celtiere you can read about him (Here, here, here, and here)
anyway...on with the story:

Celtiere opened his eyes. What had happened? Where was he? He looked over at his cross-bow, for some reason something was different about it, he didn’t know what? 
It looked slightly different…he tried to reach out to pick it up. When he tried, he saw a…paw!! Celtiere jumped back, a paw? Was that his hand? He couldn’t help but wonder, if something magical had gone wrong that turned him into…something with a paw, or rather paws. He looked over at the cross-bow again, and wondered if it was a good idea to pick it up since there was already an arrow in it that could go off. If he picked it up in the wrong way, and if he didn’t have hands, he probably couldn’t pick it up in the right way… 

“Greetings!” came a voice. Celtiere turned around to see a fox standing right next to him. “Who are you? and What brings you here?” 

Celtiere looked at the fox. Was the fox talking? And he could understand it…alright there must have been something that went wrong, because he couldn’t hear foxes talk yesterday.. “Umm…I’m Celtiere. And I have no idea what has brought me here…but I need to get back” answered Celtiere, wondering how he learned to talk to a fox. 

“Nice to meet you Celtiere. I’m Hugo,” said the fox. He seemed to be inquisitively gazing at Celtiere as if there was something different about him. “Anyway…It’s nice to meet another fox like me.” he said, gazing at Celtiere. 

A fox? That explained the paws, but why a fox? Only yesterday he had been a half elf…and now he was a fox. No, that couldn’t be possible…he had to be dreaming. Yes, it had to be dream. He waited for a sharp pinch from Riona to wake him up…nothing, he waited again, still nothing. Celtiere turned back to Hugo “I’m not a fox,” he said. He didn’t know quite what else to say. 

Hugo looked rather confused. He looked at Celtiere from head to paw. “I’m pretty sure you are a fox” said Hugo. “I don’t know why you're saying you aren’t a fox,” 

“Because I wasn’t. I was a half elf yesterday and I don’t know what happened that caused me to turn into a fox.” said Celtiere, “I’m really truly not a fox.” 

Hugo still seemed slightly confused, “Are you sure you're not imagining those things, about being a half elf?” he said. 

“I’m sure…and this is slightly weird to be able to talk to a fox, but anyway…I need to find my friends they must be out searching for me” he said, then he wondered if he would be able to tell them he was really Celtiere, what if he could only speak fox? What if he didn’t understand them? What if they didn’t understand him?? Well, he needed to find them first before he worried about that. 

“Umm…have you seen a brown haired elf recently, and a red headed girl with freckles?” he asked. Hugo looked rather surprised 

“You're looking for humans—“ he began. 

“Well, they're not technically humans. You see one's an elf, and other one is a phoenix who can turn into a human…but I suppose you could call them humans—“ interrupted Celtiere. 

“Umm…your looking for humans…who like to chase and hunt foxes” said Hugo. “I would not recommend that…” 

“But these humans don’t hunt foxes, so I have no reason to worry” said Celtiere, who didn’t want Hugo start going over the reasons why he shouldn’t go after his friends…

“But “ said Hugo, “Are you mad? We foxes don’t run up to humans or do anything with them.” 

“That’s because I’m not a fox” said Celtiere, who was wondering at the moment if he had gone mad, because he was hearing a fox talk!! “Anyway, I need to go find my friends now!!” before Hugo could reply, Celtiere had ran off through the trees and bushes looking for his friends…Finally, after a long search Celtiere saw his group, they were walking on the narrow path of the woods.

“I wonder where Celtiere could have gone” he heard Riona say… “Well…we can’t go on this quest with out him.” 

Quite right, thought Celtiere. Now all I need to do is get them to notice me…and then I can be a half elf again!  Celtiere wasn’t quite sure whether his plan would work or not, but it was worth a try. He quietly climbed out of the bushes that he was watching the group from, and scampered in front of their path.

“Oh, look a fox!” said Riona, kneeling down to Celtiere’s eye level.

 “I wonder why it ran in front of our path?” said the brown haired elf.

“I’m Celtiere, I got turned into a fox” blurted Celtiere, but to his surprise no one seemed to understand.

“Do you think it’s trying to tell us something?” the elf asked. 

“I don’t know, I don’t speak fox,” said Riona, who happened to know at least three languages which were: Phoenix, Elvish, and English.

“I’m trying to tell you, I’m Celtiere!!” said Celtiere, who was rather annoyed that no one could understand a word he was saying.

“Well…we need to continue searching for Celtiere, who knows were he might be now?” said Riona, standing up and brushing her dress off. 

“I’m right here!” shouted Celtiere, but the group took no notice of him and continued on the path… 

Celtiere sighed and gazed down at the path, would he ever get turned back? 


Hope you enjoyed the story 

What do you think will happen to Celtiere? Will he stay a fox forever or will he get turned back? 


P.S I'm doing a "What's happening in this picture" on my doll blog, so feel free to comment with a caption

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Some characters

Hello everyone happy easter I hope you are enjoying easter, anyway I have some characters I am currently working on that I am excited to show you!:) 

Riona "Fire"

Shapeshifter/ guardian/ Phoenix 

Riona is the guardian of the main hero Celtiere.
she is a phoenix who can shape-shift into a human , 
Riona tends to be hot-headed most of the time... 
but at times she can be very loyal.  

Healer/ Ranger/ Has a British Accent 

I haven't found a good name for her yet , 
but she is an elf from Britain 
who came to Ireland (where the story takes place). 
she has a British accent and knows how to use herbs and natural magic. 
She also carries around a long-bow.


Ranger/ Half elf/ has a magic cross-bow

Celtiere is the main character in the story. 
He is a hero in training and has been training since 
he was young. and he yet to go on his first quest. 
He is the son of a lord and lady , and is destined to be the next ruler 


I am planning on making more characters for this series (which I will write after I finish writing about Tess) Before I start plotting it out I feel like it will need 2 more characters 

Which character is your favorite? and how is CampNanowrimo going for you? Feel from to comment below 



Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Lady of Winter (short story)

Heres a short story I wrote it's called the lady of winter , I thought I would share it with you since it's only  3  more days till December, Can't wait! This is character development story , not the official story about Celetir , Enjoy!:

the floors were made out of ice and had curved beautiful shapes of figures like wolves and fairies and other creatures, and icicles  hung on the ceiling. “I’m glad you came” said a voice, a lady with long blond hair and a long blue dress came she had wings sprouted from her back they looked almost as if they were made out of ice…”My lady” said Celtiere, bowed and kissed her hand , it was as cold as the floor it-self. “if evil continues to spread then our world will soon be destroyed” said Winter…moving across the ice floor…everything about winter was frozen and cold , her whole palace was frozen, Celtiere didn’t know how he would survive it. he hoped that his kingdom’s guardian the phoenix would keep him warm….”But…” said Winter. “We have hope” she said. and a door opened , and a chamber opened, “Fellow me, master Celtiere” she said, her light blue eyes twilighted like ice. Celtiere fellowed behind , the chamber was bitter cold…Celtiere couldn’t even feel his feet anymore, while winter seemed untouched…”I’m surprised that a elf, would come here” she said. “You were the only person who would listen to me” said Celtiere. “Aye..good thing you didn’t go to summer or you would burn to death” said Winter. “Well..freezing is better” mumbled Celtiere…”Did you say something?” asked Winter. “No my lady”. Winter nodded, then opened a door…”Don’t touch anything” said Winter. she walked inside with Celtiere fellowing behind… jewels glimmered on the ceiling , and blue fire spouted out of the floor as they walked…”It’s not normal won’t keep you warm” said Winter. “It will give you a very cold death” she said. Celtiere nodded he wasn’t sure what to say, they continued walking, then came to a small room, on a pedestal sat a blue-jewel, which winter picked up and handed to Celtiere. “This jewel, has the powers of a cold winter day, and can blind your enemies if you need it too, keep it safe…” she said.


what do you think Celtiere will do with the ice crystal? 

are you excited for winter? 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

more drawings

it's been awhile since I posted so, I am going to share more of my drawings with you today

first off...a villain I made, I don't often make villains 
so, I am planning on using her in a series once I work out the character and all

this one was partly inspired by a song called  Star of The county down

I drew this after I posted the story, The Forgotten painting. this is the drawing 
that goes with the story , I'l be sure to put it  above 

the story the forgotten painting story in the stories page 

This is a drawing of Celtiere, the boy (half-elf) who is in the painting, but when he is older. 

snow white, from Roses in The snow, a retelling of snow white I am writing. 

the dryad queen, from chapter 5 of Tess's story. 
but this is her before she became queen...
when she was younger...and going on adventures 
which I might write about sometime  
one of the dryad minstrels

and last but not least the dryad queen being crowned 

Monday, May 23, 2016

The forgotten painting

on the wall of a great castle, there is a painting of three figures, but one is covered by a dark black cloth, the two figures, are a women and a young boy, the women is wearing a long blue gown…her red hair is tied back into a long braid , and if you looked at her for awhile you would see that her ears are pointy and elf like…the young boy has point ears like the woman, in the painting but if you looked at them closely you would see that they not quite as pointy as the woman in the painting. he is wearing a red tunic , with a Phoenix  embroidered  on it. his eyes are a deep green color like pine-needles , and his hair is a fiery red-orange color. If you were to lift up the dark black cloth from the painting you would see that the other figure was human , and you would see that he was holding a cross bow in one hand and the hand of the young boy’s in the other. he has midnight black hair and and pine-needle green eyes, like the young boy. but you can feel power in his eyes , as if he has brought down dangerous enemies and creatures…but there is also kindness in his eyes. these are the lord and lady of  Demira  and their son Celtiere
Celetir is a half  elf character I made, I figured he deserved a dramatic backstory...

by the way Demira is named after the greek goddess Demeter goddess of the heartiest and whenever her daughter persephone return from the underworld spring is here again, the phoenix  idea came because of the idea of how the phoenix turns to ashes and comes back as a phoenix, the idea was that the city resembled re-birth , spring and the phoenix are the symbols of the city I made
