Thursday, February 3, 2022

Using Polls to Create Art #6

                Previous parts: #1#2#3, #4 , and #5.  

Hello everyone, 

As a reminder, you can still leave questions for or impressions about Annabelle or Phoenix (or both) here. Your ideas will help me create character interviews for my blog's sixth anniversary in March. 

But back to this post, all the drawings are responses to majority votes, unless otherwise stated: 
I made two polls, and the result was Ophelia at a masquerade. It was very fun to draw her mask, 
because I decided to make it bird-like. 

This drawing actually came first, before the picture of Ophelia at the masquerade.
 I like how it turned out, and it was fun to give Annabelle two masks. 

I made a poll about Elm and how I should draw her. The end result was that I should draw in her Middle Earth. I based her dress on Arwen's dress; I think Elm would be an elf if she lived in Middle Earth.  

This drawing was inspired by this painting. I was trying to decide which characters should take the place of the characters in the painting, so I had the pollers vote on it, and Matilda and Felix won. 

I ended up taking inspiration with the poses the characters are in and tried to copy the style of the painting a bit, while still keeping it in my style. 

This is a drawing of Riona's father. I had a poll voting on which character I should redraw from this post, and Riona's father ended up winning, so I decided to redraw it, and I like how it turned out.

Riona herself is warrior who can shape shift back and forth between being a phoenix and a human, but she wasn't originally magical. She was an ordinary human like her father.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which drawing is your favorite? And if your characters lived in any fictional world (other than the one they currently live in) where would they live? 



  1. The drawing which intrigues me the most is Riona's father. Well, not the father so much, as the bird on his shoulder. I went back to your linked post to find out what kind of bird this might be and discovered it was a phoenix! My most favourite mythological bird! If Riona can shapeshift between phoenix/human forms, is that Riona herself on her father's shoulder?

    1. Thank you. :) I'm glad you like my drawing, I am going to leave it to interpretation whether the phoenix on Riona's father's shoulder is Riona or not. ;)

  2. Your drawings are all fabulous. The last one is my fave. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Nice! I love the idea of masquerades and Ophelia's mask. Elm's dress is beautiful too.

    I like to think of Middle- earth. I've been getting back into Lord of the Rings Online lately and mainly because I love having my characters just roam that world.

    1. Thank you, Greg. :)
      Middle Earth is awesome, I've always wanted to visit it.

  4. I love the drawing of Ophelia!!! The lavender looks splendid on her <3

  5. Love the artwork! The Matilda and Felix one reminds me of something specific but I can't put my finger on it. It's going to bug me that I can't figure it out now, so thanks for that XD

    1. Thank you. :) I based it on an Arthur Hughes painting, so that could be what you're thinking of?

  6. I love your drawings! I especially like the one with Elm!


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