The Lady of Winter

the floors were made out of ice and had curved beautiful shapes of figures like wolves and fairies and other creatures, and icicles  hung on the ceiling. “I’m glad you came” said a voice, a lady with long blond hair and a long blue dress came she had wings sprouted from her back they looked almost as if they were made out of ice…”My lady” said Celetir, bowed and kissed her hand , it was as cold as the floor it-self. “if evil continues to spread then our world will soon be destroyed” said Winter…moving across the ice floor…everything about winter was frozen and cold , her whole palace was frozen, Celetir didn’t know how he would survive it. he hoped that his kingdom’s guardian the phoenix would keep him warm….”But…” said Winter. “We have hope” she said. and a door opened , and a chamber opened, “Fellow me, master Celetir” she said, her light blue eyes twilighted like ice. Celetir fellowed behind , the chamber was bitter cold…Celetir couldn’t even feel his feet anymore, while winter seemed untouched…”I’m surprised that a elf, would come here” she said. “You were the only person who would listen to me” said Celetir. “Aye..good thing you didn’t go to summer or you would burn to death” said Winter. “Well..freezing is better” mumbled Celetir…”Did you say something?” asked Winter. “No my lady”. Winter nodded, then opened a door…”Don’t touch anything” said Winter. she walked inside with Celetir fellowing behind… jewels glimmered on the ceiling , and blue fire spouted out of the floor as they walked…”It’s not normal won’t keep you warm” said Winter. “It will give you a very cold death” she said. Celetir nodded he wasn’t sure what to say, they continued walking, then came to a small room, on a pedestal sat a blue-jewel, which winter picked up and handed to Celetir. “This jewel, has the powers of a cold winter day, and can blind your enemies if you need it too, keep it safe…” she said. 

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