Athena tells her story

Hello my name is Athena goddess of wisdom. As you all know I will born from Zeus’s head. yes his head. You may be wondering how I got into zeus’s head un the first place well…I will tell you the story!
Once a thousand years ago or more my dad zeus married a girl name Metis goddess of thought. their marriage was happy until my great grandmother Gaea told my dad that if Metis  had a son he would overthrow him like he had done to his father…and his father had done to his father .Zeus my dad freaked out “Metis do you know if your child is a goddess or a god?” zeus asked. “why do you ask” asked Metis “because…never mind do you want to have a shape changing contest?” zeus asked. Now I asked this question to myself is it safe to shape change when your having a baby? but anyway Metis my mom was thrilled  “I love shape shifting” Metis said in excitement . and started shape changing into things like a bird ,horse, and a fly. and zeus inhaled and swallowed the fly (Metis) and it seemed like Metis was gone forever no…she wasn’t  Metis in her true form woke up in zeus’s head “…were am I?” she asked. “Your in my head now stay there” Zeus said. The gods outside his head starred at him “Who are you talking to?” asked Demeter. “No one I just like talking to myself” Zeus lied. Anyway A couple years…no I mean thousands of years past Zeus remarried and Hera became his Queen and inside his head I Athena was in his head I mean stuff happened of course. I could hear what he was thinking and saying my mom still helped him but he hardly ever listened to her now. She built armer and weapons for me I had no idea how she got the metal but  Metis said “I always carry some around just in case” metis  taught me , It was hard to go to sleep at Night because I kept hearing zeus’s thoughts…  . One day my mom was banging so loud zeus screamed and called for his son Hephaestus to crack his head open “Are you sure you want me to do this you have a very good looking forehead” Hephaestus asked when he came in. “YES!!!!!!” said zeus angrily. “Tell me when to look” said Hera  covering her eyes and  Hephaestus climbed onto zeus poked his forehead a couple times and  then cracked open my dad zeus’s head it made a sound like thunder and.. I jumped out and screamed a battle cry the gods jumped back in shock Demeter almost fainted “It’s alright mom” said Persephone stopping Demeter from fainting dramatically , Hera opened her eyes and blinked serval times in disbelief. Apollo stopped playing music. Artemis almost missed her target and starred at me in shock Poseidon almost poked himself with his trident. Aphrodite almost messed up her make up  .  After I had shouted my battle cry I said “Hello my name is Athena goddess of wisdom and war and…” before I could say crafts ares interrupted “War is all ready taken” Ares said. “Now ares “ said Zeus. “Athena can be the goddess of war too” zeus said. Ares sneered at me. “Fine” he grumbled. and went to go talk to his  half sister Eris. I thought I should say it again since ares had interrupted “Hello my name is athena goddess of wisdom war and crafts” I said.  

Apollo and Artemis were the first ones who came to meet me “I’m artemis goddess of the hunt..child birth…” Artemis said shaking my hand. “I’m—“ Apollo started to say was was cut off my artemis “This is a apollo my brother. I am the oldest sister” said Artemis “We our twins did you forgot” asked Apollo. Apollo walked away and went to heal zeus’s head. “apollo is the god of prophecy  but he didn’t predict you would come” said Artemis giggling at her joke. 

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