Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tess Short's story...Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The life of tess short 
Tess sat up in bed her back hurt maybe it was the way she was lying down in the bed. She looked up at the ceiling the rotes of the trees where coming into her bedroom. She got out of bed put on her slippers and dressing gown , brushed her hair. In a days time would be her birthday. which mean’t presents for everyone. She would have to make or buy some, plus her father (Mr.short) had invited a lot of people to the party, because she was turning some age she hadn’t kept track of…Because she was both hobbit and elf, and if you are both sometimes it is hard to tell your own age. She was probably 100? no…she didn’t think 100 years had past. Maybe somewhere in Hobbit age. she didn’t know how old she was but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was giving the presents to everyone on her birthday. Maybe…after breakfast or second breakfast she would go out of the woods to a village and buy some presents. “Tess good morning” said her brother.
 “Good morning to you too” said Tess. Sitting down at the kitchen table, 
“has anyone seen my shoe” called Tess’s Sister from upstairs. Her brother sighed,
“Hobbits don’t wear shoes”  said Tess’s brother. “
Well…I do, I’m not really just a Hobbit” Said her sister. from upstairs, this was the thing that happened everyday in the house of the shorts. Tess ate her porridge, trying not to pay attention to the argument between her brother and sister. “-shoes are very good to be wearing…” said her sister.
“No they aren’t they are so uncomfortable-“ said her brother. this was what they did everyday. Tess starred her porridge. The twins kept arguing. ‘How do I make them stop’ she thought. By accident when stirring her portage she had knocked the Bowl over, the porridge spilled allover the perfect table, “TESS!” said her sister, who was the oldest of the twins she was 1 minute apart from her tess’s brother. “Sorry…” said Tess. “Please clean that up we don’t want father coming home to seeing a messy table” she said. When her brother and sister left the room tess cleaned the table till it shone again. then went to the office to write some more letters:
welcome to my birthday party, 
you are invited, come to the hill in the forest. 
Sincerely your friend, 
Tess Short 
later that day she went out to the market. To find some presents for all the guests (which where a lot of people) 
they where stands everywhere, fruit stands, puppet stands, candy stands….and a whole lot more. 
Tess bought a puppet for one of the young Hobbits coming to the party. (For Hobbits give presents to the guests instead of the guests giving the presents)  She then bought many things that would be interesting for a Hobbit, and for some reason there was a pocket handkerchief stand. Tess bought one for each of the guests, “-is that mr.short’s daughter” she heard some people say.
“They say he married a elf and went off on a adventure” Tess ignored them. And continued shopping, It didn’t matter what they said people had always considered her father insane for going off on a Adventure and all the things he had done 

When tess was at the market trading elvish coins for presents for the guests a tall elf with nut-brown hair and green eyes came up to her, "greetings are you Tess short , mr.short's daughter? and would you care to go on adventure?” He asked. 
"No I'm not that person, and I can't go"  answered Tess, "adventuress are a waste of time, and...what time is it?" And ducked behind the nearest stand, which happened to be selling meat. After it seemed like he had gone, she went out and continued shopping. "Adventures such a waste of time who would want to go on those unpleasant things anyway?" She said to herself. 

As soon as she got home she lad the gifts she had gotten for the guests on her bed. And started writing cards to go with them, part way through of writing one she got Interrupted by a knock on the door. She went to answer it. When she opened it the elf was standing there but this time his "friends" had come, a girl with black hair and a green and brown eye, and he was also holding a horse, Tess looked at him in surprise, "sorry I....don't take uninvited guests and the party hasn't even happened yet so you will have to wait...." Said Tess. "We didn't come for the party only to invite you on a adventure we heard that your father, mr.short went on one so we thought you would be perfect for this so--" said the back haired girl. "Sorry we short's don't go out on the blue on a adventure...EVEN if my father went on one doesn't mean I thank you very much you came to the wrong hill....try someone else’s" said Tess and closed the door,' that was close. ' she thought. 

What do you think? feel free to comment 


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