Thursday, March 17, 2016

A new series

Mr.short was considered a normal Hobbit which means not going out on adventures with elves , fairies or dwarfs or any creatures of any sort. Until he did , which I may say is a story for another day. 

“I don’t understand why he would want to go on a adventure” said Mr.Largefoot. “Adventures are a waste of time also” he added. “ and You miss a lot of meals…” added Ms.hairyfoot.  folding her laundry into a pile. “But I can’t see why he would run away with that elf like that” said mr.Largefoot. “Indeed he said that he met her own his adventure with serval other elves…I do wonder what the elves where doing anyhow” said Ms.hairyfoot. 

So I have the Prologue and am working on Chapter 1. 
 I'm working on name for this book series: 

The Adventures of Tess Short 

In a Hole in The Ground in a Forest 

Second breakfasts and a Adventure 
To be a Hobbit or To Be a Elf 

Yes, Adventure , No Adventure 

To Seek My Fortune 

Too Short too Tall 

Which Title is your favorite?

Ps. Tess Short is the main character


  1. "Second Breakfasts and an Adventure" sounds like a great title to me.

    1. Oh thank you, Jason. I'l think about the tittle second breakfasts and an adventure.


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