Previous parts: part one and part two
Before the Inktober part of this post begins... (I can't believe it's now 2023!), here is a belated New Year's greeting from my character, Karleon (the god of mischief and prophecy from my series, The Princess Arisias Mystery Series):
Here is the official prompt list for 2022's Inktober:
Day #23 Booger. The first that came to mind for me was a troll who had nasal issues. This character may appear in the future, and will be given more of a backstory (because at the moment I know nothing about this troll).
Day #24 Fairy. I decided to draw Vonivera, my fay character for this one.
Day #26 Ego. I decided I should draw the thoughts inside someone's head.
Day #27 Snack. I simply drew a snack for this one. Taking it literally.
Day #28 Camping. I decided to draw a tent inside what could be considered a haunted forest.
Day #29 Uh-Oh. I drew the Wax Witch from my novel, Dolls of Wax, Eyes of Glass, for this one. It came to mind since the characters probably go "uh oh" when seeing her.
Day #30 Gear. The first thing that came to mind for this one was Galadriel from Rings of Power. Her armor is gear that she gets when she goes to NĂºmenor.
Day #31 Farm. Since day 31 was Halloween, I decided to draw a haunted farm.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which drawing is your favorite? How was your New Year's? And if you did Inktober in 2022, how did it go?