Showing posts with label Mr.short. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr.short. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016

A short story

Hi everyone! a few chapters for Tess's story are almost finished. But anyway I wanted to share a short story:

Every year in the hobbit village a sorceress named Ariel would come and visit and tell of her adventures…”Tell us about the elves” said a young red-headed Hobbit. “Of course…I have run into many elves before, lords and ladies, kings , princes, and princesses, but they are all different, you see” Ariel said. “I can tell you the story , about elves” she said. “It was a dark and rainy night the rain was falling hard and I couldn’t see where I was going , I could make out things like mountains , but I still felt very lost….then suddenly a light appeared , it wasn’t a whisp..that would most likely lead me to my death, no…it was a figure carrying a lantern , ‘Are you lost?’ asked the figure, I nodded…’I have been here for days’ I said… ‘And the rain hasn't cleared since’. The figure sighed, ‘a dark power is growing…’ the figure said…’we elves are trying to find out where it’s coming from’..” The young Hobbits gasped, “What was the growing power?” one asked, “what is the growing power?  what happens next? the person is a elf I knew it!” asked the young red-headed hobbit, suddenly “Edward Short!” a voice called, The young hobbit turned around. “What are you doing?” asked the girl, it was his older sister. “Just listening to adventure stories” he said. “Come with me” she said, “Ariel the great , has brought  many of us on adventures” his sister said. “So? what’s wrong with that?” he asked. “Adventures are a waste of time you should know that by now” said his sister, “Well…I don’t think so.” he said. “Elves go on adventures all the time, so why don’t we?” he asked, and walked away “I…I” said his Sister, “I never thought about it”. “But it still would be unsuitable!!” she shouted… 


I what do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Tess Short story chapter 8

Chapter 8:  the secret of the map

After the argument ended, with Lida stating the reasons why she is the oldest, Lida and Finn snuck up stairs again…Finn had the map and elvish knives hid behind his back..they walked across the kitchen floor hardly making a sound until creek “Finn!” said a voice, Lida and finn turned around. it was there mother  “Could you help me with Dinner?”  she asked, “Umm…” said Finn…”I’m really busy , with school…you know the teacher wanted to write me a report about, something…er Dwarves!  and I really need to study about it you know “ said Finn. “Finn, that report can wait…what’s that behind your back?” she asked, “Nothing just school things…no daggers, or maps or anything like that” he said, “What he means, is that he has plenty of normal things behind, his back. and he needs to get upstairs , just you know put his things away, we’l be right back mother!” said Lida, and quickly went upstairs…”Let’s hide them under the bed” said Lida, and slid them under the first bunk of there bunk bed… “That will be good for now” said Lida. “Come on, we really do need to help mother with cooking” said Lida…Lida and Finn ran quickly down stairs, “So I’m ready…” said Finn. “Good, could you help me put the bread in the oven? and tell me more about this report on dwarves” said There mother. “Umm…so I was thinking elves always misjudge dwarves, I mean how often do elves blame dwarves for Taking— “ began Finn. “Umm…so Finn, got some  really good cook books! Maybe we should try a few” said Lida. “Maybe…but Tell me more what were you saying about dwarves?” she asked. “well as I was saying elves always blame dwarves for taking there tr—“ began Finn. “umm…here is a good repipe” said Lida, pointing at a recipe…”It’s interesting I have to say” said Ms.short, turning to the book… “That would be a excellent recipe , oh I and I  have the agreements for it” said Ms.short…”Lida!” said Finn. “You interrupted my speech on how elves should treat dwarves better then they do” said Finn. “But Finn it isn’t a real report…” Lida whispered. “Fine!” said Finn…”If it’s alright, and LIda are going to go upstairs, it’s been a long day, and we need to take a rest..relax” he said, “That’s alright Finn, you and Lida can go upstairs” she said, “Thank you Mother”  said Finn, and grabbed Lida by the hand and ran upstairs…Lida and Finn quickly closed the door, and put a sign that hung over the door that read: 

Do not enter or else… 

“Finn are you sure you need that sign” said Lida. “Positive” said Finn. “So we need a plan, how are we going to rescue Tess?” he asked, “How about we sneak out at dawn, and go searching for her, and of course leave a note that says were alright” said Lida. “That would be good” said Finn, pulled the map from out from under the bed, “Were do you think you think Tess would’v gone?” he asked. “I don’t know..maybe the woods?” she said. “Probably..but that seems unlikely I mean, what could be in the woods besides elves, and animals. not much…really” he said. “Umm…Maybe she could’v gone into the mountains” said Lida. “What? If I was adventurer that’s were I would go” she said…  
“Maybe she could’v gone to these elf towns, maybe” said Finn. “I don’t think that would be quite as adventurous as climbing a mountain” said Lida. “Lida , Finn Dinner!” shouted a voice. “It’s dinner time” said Lida. “Anyway I’m sure she went to the mountains” she said, “Oh and Finn, put the map away” she said, “Alright” he said, as he put the map back he noticed something. written on the end of it, it was in elvish but , he could read it quite clearly (being half elf): 

a guide to help your adventure will appear when____

the last few words had been smudged..”When?” he said, out loud. “Finn” said Lida. “Come on, I don’t want our food to get cold”. “Lida, Look at this” said Finn, Lida came over , and looked over finn’s shoulder. “I never noticed that, but the guide to help our  adventure , will appear when?” she said. “I think we should ask Eldon , about this” she said, “Why Eldon?” asked Finn. “Well…he seems to know a lot about elves…” said Lida. “And we’l talk to him after Dinner” said Lida, and ran down stairs, Finn slid the map under the bed..and fellowed. “Lida, Finn. there you are” said Ms.short… “I’m glad you came, before your food got cold” she said…Lida and Finn sat down at the table, a elvish table cloth had been spread across it, it had silhouettes of elvish archers , sword-fighters, and in the center of the table there was a huge detailed flower..each petal looked like it was moving. Lida took her seat at the table, so did Finn…on there plates were, cut-up fruit and vestibules, and on the side Lembas (A elvish bread) , the cups were filled with elvish drinks. “So how was your day?” asked Ms.short. “Good” said Finn….
“I finished the report , about dwarves” said Finn….”That’s good” said Mr.short. “Maybe you can read it to us” he said.”Yes” answered Finn, then turned to Lida “What do I do?” whispered Finn to Lida. “I don’t know” whispered Lida Back. “I didn’t even  write a report about dwarves…I can’t just write one on the spot” said Finn, “Maybe I can” said Lida, and took a peace of paper from her pocket and starting writing things down “Here this is the best I could do” said Lida, Finn stood up from the table with the peace of paper in his hand he gulped and read aloud,  “A dwarves are short people, that eat a lot of food and carry axes around…’ He began. “They are taller then Hobbits, but shorter then your average elf, dwarves are known to steal treasure from elves” he shot Lida a quick Glare, then continued reading, “Dwarves, also barge into Hobbit’s houses without a invitation ”. Ms.short and Mr.short looked at one author they weren’t sure what to think..”Umm…thank you finn for reading that to us” said Ms.short. then she whispered in Mr.short’s ear “I thought he was going to write a report on how dwarves are misjudged…not about how dwarves cause problems” Mr.short nodded. “You did a great job Finn” said Lida. “But..I was reading what you wrote to me, don’t you think you should’v written the good things about dwarves and not their flaws” he whispered. .. “Well dwarves , do steal elves treasure is all I can say” said Lida, and crossed her arms. “Well…dwarves should be seen better, I love there axes” said Finn and crossed his arms , and turned away from Lida… “So” said Mr.short…interrupting the silence, “How have you been Lida?”. “Good..” she said, “I hear there is going to be  a new shoe shop” she said…”And they will be making shoes of all shapes and sizes, even for people with large feet, and small feet!” she said…
“That’s interesting Lida” said Ms.short, “How have you been, mother and father?” asked Finn, “Good, but I haven’t gotten any letters back from your uncle” said Ms.short, “do you think he’s alright” she said… “I’m sure he’s Fine” said Mr.short, “he could be just busy with his kingdom and all”. “I don’t but I haven’t heard back from him in days” said Ms.short, her a peace of golden hair fell over her face , she blew it off…do you mind if we are excused?” asked Finn. “Yes” said Ms.short, softly…Lida and Finn went upstairs , and opened the door to there room it creaked open, Finn ran in and reached under his bed and grabbed the map , “Come on Lida, let’s go see Eldon” he said. Lida and Finn silently walked down the stairs, Finn peeked over the railing , there parents were talking together around the fire, their mother was crying into a pocket-handkerchief, and their father was trying to tell her that everything was alright. “The cost is clear” said Finn. then they snuck down the stairs, and snuck out the door…, and ran out of their the hill and into the town…it was a silent night, all the stores were closed…”I hope the Library is still open” said Lida, hopefully…Lida and Finn..walked slowly up the library all the windows were dark, it looked frightening in the dark with only the light of the moon shining on it…Lida walked up the door there was a sign over it that read:


“What are we going to do now?” asked Lida, and leaned her head angst the door. “Are you looking for someone?” asked a voice, Lida turned around there stood Lauralas. “Laurlas, oh it’s I was worried…you were someone else. how did you know we would be here?”  Lida asked. “I could tell you needed help, now anyway Eldon is waiting for you, fellow me” she said…Lida and Finn nodded and fellowed Lauralas, around the block all the way to a house at the end of the block, it was unclear what color the house was . but there was a sign next to it read: 

Welcome to the last homely house 

Lauralas knocked on the door….”Come in” said a voice, Lauralas slowly opened the door, then led Lida and Finn in…Eldon, George , and Carmen were sitting around a table playing a game of cards. “Do you have the elf king?” asked Eldon to George. “No , draw your blade” he said, Eldon picked a card from the pile. “Do you have the fairy warrior?” asked George. “Yes” grumbled Eldon, and took a card from his bunch and handed it to George…”Thank you lord Eldon” said George. “Eldon” said Lauralas. “Yes” said Eldon turning around from the game…”Can I help you with anything?”. Eldon was sitting in a dressing gown , and wearing pajamas , his glasses were on his head. “Umm…can you help us with this?” asked Lida, handing Eldon the map. “Hmmm…” said Eldon…”Let me see, ah yes Lemon juice!” he said. “Come on” he said, “there are some Lemons in the kitchen” he said…”Eldon I believe it’s moo—“ began Carmen. “Here it is you dab it on the paper, and it will appear.” said Eldon.  Lida ,  Finn and Eldon dabbed Lemon juice on the map…they waited nothing happened 

“Hmm…I think we need more lemon-juice” said Eldon. “Eldon, it’s moon light!” said Carmen but Eldon had already gone to get more Lemons…When Eldon came back , he began dabbing Lemon juice on the map again

 five hours later…

there was no success , “‘Well…what are going to try now?” asked Eldon. “How about moonlight” whispered Carmen. “Ah yes, Moonlight , I should have thought of it before, here come with me to the baloney there is a much better view from here” said Eldon, Lida and Finn fellowed him to a balcony overlooking the their town, the moon shone bright that night…Eldon lifted the map toward the moon and words started to appear

your journey will be long and dangerous… danger will lurk in dark corners. 

the trust in your friends will keep you safe from the dangers 

but beware for evil lurks in every corner 

“ Ah I see, the message  changes often depending on the person or quest…” said Carmen walking up…”As I can see from this you can not go alone , it’s too dangerous” she said…”I’l come along” said Carmen. “Me too” said Eldon, who didn’t want to be left out o the adventure er search party. “I shall come, you need a good archer” said Lauralas, walking in. “I will come along too” said George, still holding his cards from the card game… “I will bring a axe”  he added. 
“To rescue Tess!” said Lida. “To rescue Tess!!” cheered the group… “We will meet together at dawn, And I will get you too elvish blades” said Lida. “Thank you” said Eldon, “I always wanted to hold a elvish blade but for some reason , your uncle Tirfindiel doesn’t let me hold his , even if I ask” said Eldon.  the group stared at Eldon not knowing how to react “What?” he said. 


The drawing of Eldon I used in this chapter was partly inspired by this picture of Elrond from Lord of the rings :

(Picture from Wikipedia ,

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tess short story chapter 7

Chapter 7: Lida and Finn steal the story 

Lida and Finn sat at the kitchen table eating alone, in total silence until…
“We have to do something!!” said Lida, over breakfasting , and by accident spilled her milk, “We can’t just leave Tess to be eaten by a troll , goblin or cyclopes! or get burned by a dragon” she added. “You know father will be mad, also I hope you don’t mean a adventure” said Finn, spreading butter onto his bread…”A adventure, to stop a adventure! is what I mean, which doesn’t count as a adventure” said Lida. “Are you sure, and I think you mean a  search party” said Finn…”That’s what I mean” she said, “But how are we going to find Tess” said Lida “Lets search the library first” suggested  Finn.  “Alright, but how can Tess being having a adventure in a library” mumbled Lida, as they went to 
the library, when they got there Finn opened the door , and shouted “I WILL FIND YOU TESS!”.  “shhhhh” whispered everyone including Lida. “Sorry” whispered Finn… “Tess!” Finn whispered. “Tess were are you?” Finn was whispering. Lida sighed, “Have you seen a girl with short red hair, hazel eyes, pointy ears , who is about this tall” said Lida. “Who’s name is Tess short…”. The Librarian raised her one eye-brow, “If you are looking for that girl, she has a book overdue…” said the Librarian. “Book overdue Tess never has a book over—“ began Lida. The Librarian handed her a peace of paper , “-Due, it was due three weeks ago.” she read. “Why didn’t you tell me er her!” said Lida. ‘Poor tess. Now I need to find that book and her’ thought Lida, ‘I never should have treated her like I did’. “Come on Finn” she said, “We need to find Tess…and a overdue book” she said, “But first we will look for Tess over mountains , under the sea…in deep valleys , in the woods….till we find her and bring her back to her nice warm comfortable hole in the ground” said Lida. “Shhh”. “Sorry” she said…”Let’s see if anyone at the book club has seen her” whispered Lida. “Alright” whispered Finn back…they silently walked into the book club, a boy with dark brown hair and silver glasses was sitting at the table , talking to the rest if the group abut a book. then he looked up, “Oh…have you come to join our council”  he said. “What?“ said Lida. “Well…it more of a book club then a council..but anyway you are?” he asked. “Lida, this is my brother Finn” she said. “Are you elves?” he asked, looking at Lida and finn’s pointy ears. “Half-elves, I am Lida daughter of Gletta, and this finn son of Mr.short” she said. “You forgot the Half Hobbit part” said Finn who did admire his hairy-feet. “Pleased to meet you I am Eldon” he said, shaking there hands. “And this is my niece Carmen” he said, turning to a girl with pointy ears and black-hair. “well…he is my young-uncle” she said. “We are the same age” she half whispered. “So I have met your uncle before…he is.. nice” he said…”Tirfindiel I believe is his name.”. Lida nodded. “I hear that he rules a kingdom , in the woods. ” he added…”I did ask him what is it like to be a elf, he sounded in a rush thoug—”. “Anyway , Have any of you seen Tess?” asked Finn… a girl with blond hair , blue eyes and pointy ears turned around from her chair she was holding a book, “No I’m afraid not, page 18!” she said, “Oh , and by the way my name is Lauralas Greenfield” she said, flicking a peace of her blond hair…”This is George” she said, a short  boy with light-brown hair , turned around from his chair he too was holding a book. “Lauralas I’m on page 6!” he said… “Page 21” said Lauralas… “Page 10” said George… “Page 29” said Lauralas…”Maybe we should go…” said Lida…

“Before you go, give this to Tess once you find her it is a list of books she needs to read…also please find Tess , without her the book club isn’t the same” he said. “I promise I will give her this, and I will find my little sister” said Lida, taking the peace of paper from his hand, sliding it in her pocket… “Farewell” said Eldon…waving. LIda waved back. “farewell”. they left the Library , “So..Tess was not at the library , then were could she be?” asked Finn. “Maybe , the book-store!” said Finn. “Finn! she said she was going on a adventure not shopin—“ began Lida…but Finn had already taken her by the hand , and was running down the street to the book store the sign had a open book carved on it , and it read Fredrick’s book store …when they opened the door the bell rang…”Come in, come in” said a voice…”Hello, I’m Lida. Have you seen a girl with short red hair, hazel eyes, pointy ears ,who is about this tall?” she asked. “no I haven’t seen anybody like that lately, though someone did say they saw a little girl running down the street saying she was going on a adventure” he said…”A little girl with red hair?” asked Lida. “Umm…they didn’t say anything about her hair…” he murmured. “But they did say she did have unusual sized feet”. “That’s Tess” said Lida. “Come on I told you, she’d be on a adventure” said Lida…and run out of the room as fast as she could. Finnn was left standing there, “So..Do you have any cook-books?” he asked. “Cook books? oh yes I do” he said… Lida ran as fast as she could home…she needed a plan and she needed to stop her sister from going on a adventure, she opened the door to there nice hole in the ground…first she needed to pack and— “Father” said Lida, Mr.short he was standing in front of the door , his arms crossed…”There’s something I need to talk to you about” he said. “If it was the milk on the table I’m sorry” said Lida. “Or was it that I let Tess go on a adventure , I’m sorry that I treated Tess so harshly”. “You treated Tess harshly? no that is not what I was going to talk to you about” he said…”I don’t know what has been happening, but..” said Mr.short, he paused for a minute. “I’m afraid, as people have been saying odd things are afoot” he said…”I still don’t un—“ began Lida…”but at least Tess, is in good hands…for now” he said, “What do you mean?” asked Lida, wondering if her father had gone insane…”The questers that stopped by…” he said…”Took her on a quest, but at least I know she is safe…” he said. “safe from what?” she asked. Mr.short blinked then said “What was I saying?”. “You said something about Tess my sister , and something about questers and her being in good hands” said Lida. “I don’t remember saying that” said Mr.short. “You don’t but you just said it to me” said Lida. “I did?” he said…as he turned away , he said something that Lida couldn’t make a word of, it wasn’t understandable… ‘He’s has defiantly gone insane’ she thought, as she curled a peace of her blond hair. “Lida!” said a voice a shadow fell over her, Lida let out a little scream…”Who is it” she asked. “Finn” said Finn, Finn and Lida looked almost identical, they both had blue eyes  and  both had blond hair  but finn’s hair was slightly more curly then Lida’s , which Lida always had in lose curls, …”Finn, thank goodness it’s you” she said, almost gasping. “I was worried , you were—“ she said, then looked at the books he was holding. “Nothing, what are those” she said. “also, Sorry that I left you at the book-store” she said. “It’s alright, I just wanted to get away from father for a little bit, he has been saying the weirdest things” said Finn. “I know” said Lida. “Then , he doesn’t remember he said them? I’m really confused” she said. “Well, at least I have some cook-books” he said…putting his books on the table…”Do you think he’s gone crazy?” asked Finn…”Definitely not” she said, though she was worried he might have gone insane…”Maybe a little” she admitted. “But I have a idea of how we can rescue tess” she said..”There must be some old weapons , and things in the basement” she said, opening the door. “Basement?” said Finn. “Well…it’s more of a pantry” she said…and a lit a candle. and went down the short stairs, which weren’t that steep but there was something about the basement that scared her…there was a creek she turned around “Look Lida!” said Finn, holding a elvish blade that he had took out of it’s scabbard…it was glowing a greenish color, and had a small crack running through it  “Finn! put that down!” she said, “Fine!” mumbled Finn, and slid it back in it’s scabbard. “Why did mother and father put all of these things down here anyway?” he asked. “Well…” said Lida, then she realized she had never asked. “I don’t know” she said, then noticed something twinkling , when she walked up to it , it turned out to be a elvish crown, it was so beautiful…but she managed to turn herself away from it. “What we need is a map” she said, and began looking through some very interesting looking scrolls, she set her handle down and began looking. “Map of the woods” she said, enrolling a scroll..”No not useful” she said, and put it back…and then pulled out author scroll, and unrolled it, and revealed , a map of her town , and serval other places, such as the forest were her uncle King Tirfindiel lived, and were his kingdom was…and enrolled more to show, hobbit villages , mountains , valleys , lakes, rivers…”Lida!” said Finn, “Look what I found, two pairs of elvish knives for both of us” he said, handing her them. “oh thank you , Finn” she said, “But don’t you think we need a scabbard for them?”  she asked, “Here! I found two” he said, and handed Lida, one which she strapped around her waist, and slid the knives into it. “Here, I found a map” she said. “Your quite a adventurer , but are you really sure we should be leaving, you know..adventure” said Finn. “I’m positive, we can’t just let Tess go on a adventure, it’s dangerous.” she said. “She didn’t even bring a sword or knives or anything useful” she said. “How do you know?” asked Finn. “Well…” said Lida. “Nothing is missing” she said. “You’v been down here before?” asked Finn. “Yes, I have , with mother” she said. “why hasn’t mother let me down here before !?” asked Finn. “Because I’m the oldest” said Lida. “By one minute” said Finn. “But were twins!” said Finn. “I know were twins but I’m still the oldest!” said Lida, “No your not!”. “Yes I am”. “No your not!” “Yes I am…” 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Tess short story chapter 3

Chapter 3: The no-laughing-contest , and The Adventure begins 
The fellowing week was tess’s birthday, Everyone came , including Mr.Largefoot (A old friend of mr.short) who thought adventures where a waste of time, and it was a terrible idea to go on one. And even Her uncle came though he was very busy with the wood-elf kingdom, he said he still had time for Tess’s birthday. 
 Her cousins also came to the party along with Tess’s Aunt. “I don’t understand why it took you so get to our hole” said Tess’s cousin , alexander, to mr.short. 
“I told you already, I was on a Adventure.” said Mr.short. “Yes…But that doesn’t explain why—“ said alexander. 

But fortunately , Tess came up...getting her father out argument , "Alexander would you like to checkers with me?" Asked Tess. "Sure..why not". So Tess and Alexander played checkers, tess ended up winning every round they played. But Alexander kept asking for author rematch. Very soon Tess secretly allowed Alexander to win a round of checkers , “Victory!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, surprising the guests. “Oh..sorry” he mumbled. Tess couldn’t help from giggling. 
"What's so funny?" Asked Alexander. Tess stopped laughing "umm...That wasn't a lough I...was coughing" said Tess. "No, you where laughing, I heard you" said Alexander. " I ambit I had the hiccups" joked Tess. Alexander started laughing..."You weren't hiccuping either..." He said. "Oh find I ambit it I was laughing" she said, in a pretend angry voice. "But that doesn't mean I can't umm...beat you in a no-laughing-contest" said Tess. “your on” said Alexander , “Finn! Could you please do something funny, we are having a no laughing contest” said Tess. “Oh alright” said Finn, and came over and started telling jokes making funny faces and a number of funny things. Tess almost let out a laugh but stopped it, it came out like “Ga”. Alexander looked at her “Oh that was nothing, Frog in my throat” said Tess…They continued the no-laughing-contest. Very close to the end of it, Tess started laughing…”What’s so funny?” asked Alexander. “Oh..I thought I had won” she said. “No you didn’t” said Alexander. “I win VICTORY!!!” he shouted again. “I have a annulment for everyone who has , come to the party” said Tess, she had planning for it ever since she started planning for the party. “Elves , Hobbits, country man or women. Lend me your feet er..ears!” said Tess. Finn was laughing..’Oh I’m going to kill him’ she thought. As it happened it was in his handwriting…she moved to the next paper, which she had written thankfully. “Sorry about that.” said Tess. “But…here is the announcement. I have made a cake for the party…umm…and it’s time to give presents” said Tess. cheers where heard from the Hobbits , at the party. Tess’s uncle, was very..somewhat bewildered…he was thinking ‘I thought guests give presents not the host’ that sentence echoed through Tess’s thoughts. she shook it out of her head. “The presents are in the drawing room” said Tess. “And the cake is in the dinning room” said Tess. “Anyway. That is all for now..” said Tess. and climbed off the stand. She could hear other people’s thoughts…Every single one. It was so overwhelming. the thoughts from others she could make out where ‘this tastes delicious’ and ‘I love this pocket watch’. Tess almost stumbled into her sister, “Tess are you alright?” she asked. “Oh…fine have you ever heard other people’s thoughts before?” asked Tess. Her sister looked at her as if she was rotten eggs. “No…what are you talking about” she said. “Why would I want to hear other people’s thoughts anyway?” she asked, and walked away.

Tess was completely overwhelmed by thoughts from everyone. "Tess don't you want to blow out the candles?" Asked her mother. "Oh...alright I'm coming" she said
. Tess hurried into the room. There was a cowries of it’s your birthday, song then tess blew out the candles. ‘I wish all these thoughts from other people would not be in my head’ she thought as she blew out the candles. surprisingly all the thoughts died down…until the only thoughts she could hear where her own. “What did you with for?” inquired her brother. “It’s a wish, If I tell it won’t come true” said Tess. “Give me a hint” he said. “Nope, it’s a secret” said Tess. “And you will have to guess, but I won’t tell you if you got it right” said Tess. “Oh how mean” Finn grumbled. “A pony?” he asked, while eating cake. . “Food?” he asked . “The power to read minds?” he asked. 
“Fine if you won’t tell me I give up” he said. “Okay…I’m fine with that” said Tess, over her bites of cake. “But I’m not, maybe if you tell it to me, And I’l keep it secret?” he asked. “Have you ever kept a secret?” asked Tess. “No..yes..maybe” he said. “Hmm…so if I asked you to tell me one would you?” asked Tess. “Umm…Ye-no! of course not..” he said. after the party, Tess went to her bedroom, she flopped down on her bed..It had been a wonderful but tiering night…she would probably sleep through tomorrow…or just stay in the woods or go to the library her favorite place to be.  Nobody arguing , no annoying questers…and no monsters expect in books. 
Tess decided she should get a book to read
Probably Knights in shining armor and other tales by Keli limbro of the kingdom of serum.
Tess went to get it, when she got back she sat down her bed...'what was that peace of paper doing under her pillow 'she thought. It was crippled but she could read it. "a quest..that sounds interesting" she said to seemed as of her elvish side had taken hold. "But I could miss tons of meals" she said to herself. "That would be fine probably...Adventure is more important..." She said, and before she could change her mind, she started writing back to the questers. 

Dear Robin and company (or Robin and questers) 
I would love to join you on this adventure...Where do we meet? you mid if I bring serval books and pocket handkerchiefs with me? I would love to read on this adventure you's one of my hobbies. It would also be useful if I could bring this list of things on the journey I can't go without them:

Pocket handkerchiefs 

a pocket watch

etra cloths 

ten books



Tess Short 

tess put the note on the doorstep…when she got back from the library she found author letter in it’s place

Dear Tess, We will meet at the edge of town. also please bring two books …a pocket hancheif…and a weapon. thank you

Robin and questers 

ps. please use it only when needed 

ps.s. I hope your father has one handy..he is a nice Hobbit indeed 

Tess straight away went and packed. she packed two books one handkerchief…and snacks.. she unfortulty didn’t have a weapon handy , if she asked her father he would probably say: “What would I use that for?”. so Tess instead took something from the kitchen , for it would be very useful , and slipped it In her bag. Before she left she wrote a note:

Dear mother,father, Lida and finn. 
 I’m going on a adventure. 
Just because why not?
 finn, I know you think I’m insane for doing so.
Lida please do not mess with my things…or else
mother and father, you probably think it’s a good idea going off into the unknown getting fresh 


ps.I brought a pocket handkerchief with me 

Tess opened the door silently and closed it, she looked one last time had her beloved , home in the forest. and whispered “Good-bye”. and walked down the hill, she did hope she wasn’t late, for if she was that would be terrible, so instead she decided to run. The town happened to be just waking up. setting up the shops and all. Tess hurried through unfortunately knocking over serval stands…”SORRY! I promise I will pay for it, If I get a small fortune on this adventure” Shouted Tess. 
she ran as fast as she could to the etch of town. there she met Robin, Inny and three horses waiting. “Tess your…Early” said Robin “Well…I doesn’t hurt to bring a pocket watch” said Tess. “Hobbits and their pockets” Grumbled Inny. Tess gave her a  quick glare. “So..when does the adventure start? now or do you want to have a panic” asked Tess. “Our adventure starts now” said Robin. “Now! umm…” Tess said. “Wouldn’t you love to stay and relax and have a panic?” asked Tess. “We really did to go so…our adventure starts now” said Robin. Tess shifted foot to foot , there where horses she had never ride one before maybe they where man-eating-horses or… something worse. “Tess are you going to get on your horse or not you want to go on this adventure don’t you?” asked Robin. “Or do you want to be left behind?” asked what seemed like Robin’s horse. Tess ignored Robin’s horse. And tried to climb onto her horse it was very tricky…the first time she ended up down on the ground. the second time she tried , she ended up face forward on the ground..”To think she is part elf” mumbled Inny. “I heard that!” said Tess. And tried with all her might to get atop her horse. This time it worked,She sat atop her horse. “That was pretty easy” said Tess.”Sort of”. “Now anyway…we are leaving right?” asked Tess. “Yes, we are.” said Robin. The group of horses took off across the country side.
back at the short’s hole in the forest. “Tess went on a adventure!” screamed Lida. “What’s the matter?” asked Finn, who had woken up. “Tess went on a Adventure” she sad. “So?”. “It’s not hobbit like to go on one” said Lida. “Wait a minute…I thought, you where saying-“ Said finn, but got cut off by Lida. “Look…adventures are a waste of time, and they are dangerous. Tess could be killed!” said Lida. “But I thought elves took risks..” mumbled Finn. “But you don’t understand Tess is in danger!! you know what monsters are out in the unknown…she could be eaten alive by a troll or” Lida kept going over the possibles of what could happen to Tess. 
She didn’t notice mr.short coming up, “What’s this about tess going on a Adventure?” asked Mr.short. “Tess…on a adventure…oh we where just making up a story…for Tess” said Lida.

“Let see that” said Mr.short, Lida handed him the paper. Mr.short read it his face broke into a smile. “I wondered about that” he said, and left. “Wait…I don’t understand!” said Lida, but mr.short had already left.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tess Short story chapter 2

Chapter 2: Adventure?

Tess continued writing cards to go with the gifts , 'It doesn't matter...even if father had went on a adventure does that mean I have to?' She thought. 'Aren't they a waste of Time? And meals?' 
'Stop acting like a a Hobbit Tess' she thought. Very soon she was done writing the cards...she placed them near the presents. Fortunately her birthday wasn't till anther week or was three weeks or was it three days? least she had time to plan for everything , to come. Knock knock, 'it can't be those questers again!' She thought. 'I already told them I'm not the questing sort' Tess didn't answer the door and instead she went about doing normal things, knock knock knock!! "Tess! Let me in" said someone ursine it was her brother's voice. "How could I be so foolish" she said half to herself and opened the door, her brother was carrying food for to nights dinner and supper and...all other meals! "Tess why did you lock me out?" Asked her brother. "Because of questers..." Said Tess she knew she sounded stupid. "There was a elf-" said Tess. "You have a great imagine Tess" said her brother interrupting her and went tot go put the food in the pantry.  Tess checked again to make sure there were no questers, instead she found a note , with the words to Tess Short At hole in ground. in the forest 
'maybe someone sent me a card...or a letter or something important like...' Her thoughts trailed off. She opened the letter, it was written in very beautiful handwriting. She began to read: dear ms. Tess, I wanted to say this to you at the market but It would be to risky to speak about this around others, I understand your dislike of Adventures 
it's natural for Hobbits to not want to go off into the unknown without a handkerchief, so I have heard. But this Quest is very important because , all the things that got banished from this world  long ago are now returning this time more powerful. they started returning at the time when your father Mr.Short went on his Adventure (Or before his adventure)that I have heard about (Mostly around Hobbits and Elves, I don’t hear it much around fairies or Halflings or any other creatures…) I don’t really know how they are returning, I got some information from my friend Inny , she said her family of hags hided away from the people who where driving away dark creatures…but it seems like they didn’t do a very good job all the dark creatures hided away, Inny says that her father (Who is human) found her mother and for some reason  thought she was a maiden under a curse (Comes from reading fairy tales….) and married her on the spot (I’m glad that never happened to my father or mother). We are not sure where the dark magic and creatures are coming from some people have even said that they saw a dragon in the sky
(Dragons had returned to there hoards long ago, But not all of them). I know you must think I sound Insane but everything is in danger…even Hobbits (Who stay in one place and don’t like to move) I’m not quite sure how it’s all happening , but have you noticed anything that shouldn’t be? or anything unusual? 

Tess wasn’t sure to believe the letter or not. Sure…some weird things had happened, like a shepherds sheep disappearing , Tess blamed the wolves. but there where also some other things that where unusual..besides sheep disappearing ,
the jeweler had found all of his jewels stolen , and everything broken. He also found weapons on the ground they where blotted with blood.  
And serval knights had been reported missing , and just disappeared without saying a word, or anything. 
There had been more shipwrecks then ousel on the beaches , the ships looked like they had bites taken out of them… 
Tess put the letter down, it was to frightening of a idea Even the idea of the creatures from long ago was very frightening , and why where they suddenly back? But maybe that was all a trick just to scare her....why would anyone want to scare her though? Was this all true about good driving evil away?
If could be in a book , Tess opened the door , then closed it loudly, and ran out of the forest a.l the way down to the town..for there was a library there. 
She ran as fast as her feet could carry her,  all the way to the library , she opened the wooden oak door of the library very quietly, inside of the building there where piles of books on the floor and shelves and shelves , a fairy was sitting on top of a pile of books and reading. Tess went strait to the desk. The Liberian was sitting on a chair her long white hair tied up in a proper looking bun, she had silver spectacles on her nose, her face was wrinkled as if she had lived a thousand years. I came to look for a book of history...that includes the time when monsters where driven away" said Tess. "And what would you want that book for?" Asked the Liberian coldly. "" said Tess. "Hmmm...alright. You may look for the book" said the Librarian. And to shelves opened up. The chamber filled with books was cold and echoed. The Liberian followed behind, "so..your school is studying this? Hmm...interesting most teachers won't read to there students only because they our afraid it would give them nightmares...I do wonder why your school is studying this" said the Librarian half to herself half to Tess. 
"Uh...Hard to exsai-" said Tess, but got cut off "here's the book you wanted" said the Librarian. "Thank you" said Tess , but came out more like this “t-thank  y-you". "Your welcome , dear. Be careful with this book though" said the Librarian. As soon as Tess went out of the chamber , she sat down to read the book. 
She opened up to the table of contents, and finally found the thing she needed, when she opened up to the page, she was greeted by a illustration of monsters being chased away, by knights. she turned the page and read:
This tale or history…well…it feels more like a tale then history. is about how good drived evil away
permanently (Of course they couldn’t drive away all creatures…long story) King Alrid , sat atop his throne overlooking the country, ‘Was everything alright? where people being turned into toads by hags and were sea monsters eating ships?’ he thought, that did not seem alright at all, he would have to do something…drive those creatures away. The door opened , who was a it? probably a peasant asking for food. “Your highness…umm…Serval trolls of was it bears…Ate all the food!! and destroyed everything…” said the peasant who turned out to be a Hobbit. “Hmm…” said the king. “I can send my knights out on whoever it was that ate and destroyed your…home…village If that would help” said The king. “Yes that would help…a lot, thank you. ” said the Hobbit and left. 
The king organist his knights to search for the creatures and drive them away…from his land forever. or at least he hoped forever….”Don’t you think it would be wise to consult with the elves and other powerful being before doing so?” asked a knight. “They are enemies with these creatures and might want to—“  said the knight but got cut off by the king, “Do you disobey my orders?” he asked. “No sir..I mean your highness” said the knight. 
“Hi Tess!” said a voice. Tess jumped in her seat. “Umm…Hi” she said. closing the book, It was her sister. “So your at the library too!” said her sister. “Umm…yes…I was uhh….just going to leave” said Tess, not wanting to be around her sister, who would most likely start talking on and on about shoes or something…”Oh and Tess..before you leave. I have this book for him” said her sister, by who she meant by Him was Tess’s  brother, Finn. “All be sure to give it to , Finn” said Tess. Grabbing the book that her sister gave her, and didn’t run but walked , out the library door. Te book her sister had given her happened to be about shoes…she wasn’t sure how finn would like that. plus it would probably start that argument up again, about wearing shoes..Tess didn’t take sides on that considering, she wasn’t angst or for shoes. Not everyone had to wear shoes , right? Tess only wore shoes when she wanted to, or just felt like it. otherwise she didn’t wear shoes. It was probably best, to go home and read the book. Thought Tess, and went slowly back home. As tess Walked home she started to wonder about the questers and the note. Why did they need her? Sure...a hobbits could pass without people hearing them , but why her and not some other hobbit? And why her and not someone else from her family, like Finn or her sister...? didn't matter she probably wasn't going to go on this adventure any way because...she was happy, did she need to go on this adventure anyway? Of course not it was her choice. When Tess got home she went straight inside, the warm smell of pine needles greeted her, her mother was home. "Hello Tess" said her mother. "How are you, today?" Asked her mother. "Good, have you seen any questers around?" Asked Tess. "No...I haven't. But a nice elf did stop by today asking if You where here...I answered you were probably in the library or somewhere in the forest. He was very nice he wanted me to give this to you" said Tess's mother, handing Tess a letter. "Oh...umm...thank you. Where is father?" Asked. Tess. "In the office , why do you ask?" Asked Tess's mother. "umm...I need to talk to him...about something" she said, and ran to the office. She burst opened the doors"Father about your adventure and all...why did you ever..go on it did you have a choice??" Asked Tess. Mr.short turned around from his chair..."funny you should ask.." He said, turning around. "I was just thinking about it." He said twirling a peace of his curly red hair. "I didn't really have a choice, it just happened. unexpectedly...and I found myself on a dangerous journey" said Mr.short. "I was just wondering. Just because...umm I could possible go on adventure you never know..." Said Tess. 
And walked out of the room to her bedroom , sat on her bed and opened the envelope
Inside was a letter. Again from the questers:
Dear Tess (Or to you prefer to be called ms.Tess, or by your real name and not nickname) 
anyway…if you want to join this quest (Adventure) please write back to us, oh and leave it on the door step. 



ps. Happy Birthday! 

“Oh…that’s all. He sounded in a rush” she said, to herself. “Well…I am not going on this adventure” she said. 

and slid the letter under her pillow


Do you think Tess will go on the adventure? Feel Free to comment below 


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tess Short's story...Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The life of tess short 
Tess sat up in bed her back hurt maybe it was the way she was lying down in the bed. She looked up at the ceiling the rotes of the trees where coming into her bedroom. She got out of bed put on her slippers and dressing gown , brushed her hair. In a days time would be her birthday. which mean’t presents for everyone. She would have to make or buy some, plus her father (Mr.short) had invited a lot of people to the party, because she was turning some age she hadn’t kept track of…Because she was both hobbit and elf, and if you are both sometimes it is hard to tell your own age. She was probably 100? no…she didn’t think 100 years had past. Maybe somewhere in Hobbit age. she didn’t know how old she was but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was giving the presents to everyone on her birthday. Maybe…after breakfast or second breakfast she would go out of the woods to a village and buy some presents. “Tess good morning” said her brother.
 “Good morning to you too” said Tess. Sitting down at the kitchen table, 
“has anyone seen my shoe” called Tess’s Sister from upstairs. Her brother sighed,
“Hobbits don’t wear shoes”  said Tess’s brother. “
Well…I do, I’m not really just a Hobbit” Said her sister. from upstairs, this was the thing that happened everyday in the house of the shorts. Tess ate her porridge, trying not to pay attention to the argument between her brother and sister. “-shoes are very good to be wearing…” said her sister.
“No they aren’t they are so uncomfortable-“ said her brother. this was what they did everyday. Tess starred her porridge. The twins kept arguing. ‘How do I make them stop’ she thought. By accident when stirring her portage she had knocked the Bowl over, the porridge spilled allover the perfect table, “TESS!” said her sister, who was the oldest of the twins she was 1 minute apart from her tess’s brother. “Sorry…” said Tess. “Please clean that up we don’t want father coming home to seeing a messy table” she said. When her brother and sister left the room tess cleaned the table till it shone again. then went to the office to write some more letters:
welcome to my birthday party, 
you are invited, come to the hill in the forest. 
Sincerely your friend, 
Tess Short 
later that day she went out to the market. To find some presents for all the guests (which where a lot of people) 
they where stands everywhere, fruit stands, puppet stands, candy stands….and a whole lot more. 
Tess bought a puppet for one of the young Hobbits coming to the party. (For Hobbits give presents to the guests instead of the guests giving the presents)  She then bought many things that would be interesting for a Hobbit, and for some reason there was a pocket handkerchief stand. Tess bought one for each of the guests, “-is that mr.short’s daughter” she heard some people say.
“They say he married a elf and went off on a adventure” Tess ignored them. And continued shopping, It didn’t matter what they said people had always considered her father insane for going off on a Adventure and all the things he had done 

When tess was at the market trading elvish coins for presents for the guests a tall elf with nut-brown hair and green eyes came up to her, "greetings are you Tess short , mr.short's daughter? and would you care to go on adventure?” He asked. 
"No I'm not that person, and I can't go"  answered Tess, "adventuress are a waste of time, and...what time is it?" And ducked behind the nearest stand, which happened to be selling meat. After it seemed like he had gone, she went out and continued shopping. "Adventures such a waste of time who would want to go on those unpleasant things anyway?" She said to herself. 

As soon as she got home she lad the gifts she had gotten for the guests on her bed. And started writing cards to go with them, part way through of writing one she got Interrupted by a knock on the door. She went to answer it. When she opened it the elf was standing there but this time his "friends" had come, a girl with black hair and a green and brown eye, and he was also holding a horse, Tess looked at him in surprise, "sorry I....don't take uninvited guests and the party hasn't even happened yet so you will have to wait...." Said Tess. "We didn't come for the party only to invite you on a adventure we heard that your father, mr.short went on one so we thought you would be perfect for this so--" said the back haired girl. "Sorry we short's don't go out on the blue on a adventure...EVEN if my father went on one doesn't mean I thank you very much you came to the wrong hill....try someone else’s" said Tess and closed the door,' that was close. ' she thought. 

What do you think? feel free to comment 
