Chapter 8: the secret of the map
After the argument ended, with Lida stating the reasons why she is the oldest, Lida and Finn snuck up stairs again…Finn had the map and elvish knives hid behind his back..they walked across the kitchen floor hardly making a sound until creek “Finn!” said a voice, Lida and finn turned around. it was there mother “Could you help me with Dinner?” she asked, “Umm…” said Finn…”I’m really busy , with school…you know the teacher wanted to write me a report about, something…er Dwarves! and I really need to study about it you know “ said Finn. “Finn, that report can wait…what’s that behind your back?” she asked, “Nothing just school things…no daggers, or maps or anything like that” he said, “What he means, is that he has plenty of normal things behind, his back. and he needs to get upstairs , just you know put his things away, we’l be right back mother!” said Lida, and quickly went upstairs…”Let’s hide them under the bed” said Lida, and slid them under the first bunk of there bunk bed… “That will be good for now” said Lida. “Come on, we really do need to help mother with cooking” said Lida…Lida and Finn ran quickly down stairs, “So I’m ready…” said Finn. “Good, could you help me put the bread in the oven? and tell me more about this report on dwarves” said There mother. “Umm…so I was thinking elves always misjudge dwarves, I mean how often do elves blame dwarves for Taking— “ began Finn. “Umm…so Finn, got some really good cook books! Maybe we should try a few” said Lida. “Maybe…but Tell me more what were you saying about dwarves?” she asked. “well as I was saying elves always blame dwarves for taking there tr—“ began Finn. “umm…here is a good repipe” said Lida, pointing at a recipe…”It’s interesting I have to say” said Ms.short, turning to the book… “That would be a excellent recipe , oh I and I have the agreements for it” said Ms.short…”Lida!” said Finn. “You interrupted my speech on how elves should treat dwarves better then they do” said Finn. “But Finn it isn’t a real report…” Lida whispered. “Fine!” said Finn…”If it’s alright, and LIda are going to go upstairs, it’s been a long day, and we need to take a rest..relax” he said, “That’s alright Finn, you and Lida can go upstairs” she said, “Thank you Mother” said Finn, and grabbed Lida by the hand and ran upstairs…Lida and Finn quickly closed the door, and put a sign that hung over the door that read:
Do not enter or else…
“Finn are you sure you need that sign” said Lida. “Positive” said Finn. “So we need a plan, how are we going to rescue Tess?” he asked, “How about we sneak out at dawn, and go searching for her, and of course leave a note that says were alright” said Lida. “That would be good” said Finn, pulled the map from out from under the bed, “Were do you think you think Tess would’v gone?” he asked. “I don’t know..maybe the woods?” she said. “Probably..but that seems unlikely I mean, what could be in the woods besides elves, and animals. not much…really” he said. “Umm…Maybe she could’v gone into the mountains” said Lida. “What? If I was adventurer that’s were I would go” she said…
“Maybe she could’v gone to these elf towns, maybe” said Finn. “I don’t think that would be quite as adventurous as climbing a mountain” said Lida. “Lida , Finn Dinner!” shouted a voice. “It’s dinner time” said Lida. “Anyway I’m sure she went to the mountains” she said, “Oh and Finn, put the map away” she said, “Alright” he said, as he put the map back he noticed something. written on the end of it, it was in elvish but , he could read it quite clearly (being half elf):
a guide to help your adventure will appear when____
the last few words had been smudged..”When?” he said, out loud. “Finn” said Lida. “Come on, I don’t want our food to get cold”. “Lida, Look at this” said Finn, Lida came over , and looked over finn’s shoulder. “I never noticed that, but the guide to help our adventure , will appear when?” she said. “I think we should ask Eldon , about this” she said, “Why Eldon?” asked Finn. “Well…he seems to know a lot about elves…” said Lida. “And we’l talk to him after Dinner” said Lida, and ran down stairs, Finn slid the map under the bed..and fellowed. “Lida, Finn. there you are” said Ms.short… “I’m glad you came, before your food got cold” she said…Lida and Finn sat down at the table, a elvish table cloth had been spread across it, it had silhouettes of elvish archers , sword-fighters, and in the center of the table there was a huge detailed flower..each petal looked like it was moving. Lida took her seat at the table, so did Finn…on there plates were, cut-up fruit and vestibules, and on the side Lembas (A elvish bread) , the cups were filled with elvish drinks. “So how was your day?” asked Ms.short. “Good” said Finn….
“I finished the report , about dwarves” said Finn….”That’s good” said Mr.short. “Maybe you can read it to us” he said.”Yes” answered Finn, then turned to Lida “What do I do?” whispered Finn to Lida. “I don’t know” whispered Lida Back. “I didn’t even write a report about dwarves…I can’t just write one on the spot” said Finn, “Maybe I can” said Lida, and took a peace of paper from her pocket and starting writing things down “Here this is the best I could do” said Lida, Finn stood up from the table with the peace of paper in his hand he gulped and read aloud, “A dwarves are short people, that eat a lot of food and carry axes around…’ He began. “They are taller then Hobbits, but shorter then your average elf, dwarves are known to steal treasure from elves” he shot Lida a quick Glare, then continued reading, “Dwarves, also barge into Hobbit’s houses without a invitation ”. Ms.short and Mr.short looked at one author they weren’t sure what to think..”Umm…thank you finn for reading that to us” said Ms.short. then she whispered in Mr.short’s ear “I thought he was going to write a report on how dwarves are misjudged…not about how dwarves cause problems” Mr.short nodded. “You did a great job Finn” said Lida. “But..I was reading what you wrote to me, don’t you think you should’v written the good things about dwarves and not their flaws” he whispered. .. “Well dwarves , do steal elves treasure is all I can say” said Lida, and crossed her arms. “Well…dwarves should be seen better, I love there axes” said Finn and crossed his arms , and turned away from Lida… “So” said Mr.short…interrupting the silence, “How have you been Lida?”. “Good..” she said, “I hear there is going to be a new shoe shop” she said…”And they will be making shoes of all shapes and sizes, even for people with large feet, and small feet!” she said…
“That’s interesting Lida” said Ms.short, “How have you been, mother and father?” asked Finn, “Good, but I haven’t gotten any letters back from your uncle” said Ms.short, “do you think he’s alright” she said… “I’m sure he’s Fine” said Mr.short, “he could be just busy with his kingdom and all”. “I don’t but I haven’t heard back from him in days” said Ms.short, her a peace of golden hair fell over her face , she blew it off…do you mind if we are excused?” asked Finn. “Yes” said Ms.short, softly…Lida and Finn went upstairs , and opened the door to there room it creaked open, Finn ran in and reached under his bed and grabbed the map , “Come on Lida, let’s go see Eldon” he said. Lida and Finn silently walked down the stairs, Finn peeked over the railing , there parents were talking together around the fire, their mother was crying into a pocket-handkerchief, and their father was trying to tell her that everything was alright. “The cost is clear” said Finn. then they snuck down the stairs, and snuck out the door…, and ran out of their the hill and into the town…it was a silent night, all the stores were closed…”I hope the Library is still open” said Lida, hopefully…Lida and Finn..walked slowly up the library all the windows were dark, it looked frightening in the dark with only the light of the moon shining on it…Lida walked up the door there was a sign over it that read:
“What are we going to do now?” asked Lida, and leaned her head angst the door. “Are you looking for someone?” asked a voice, Lida turned around there stood Lauralas. “Laurlas, oh it’s I was worried…you were someone else. how did you know we would be here?” Lida asked. “I could tell you needed help, now anyway Eldon is waiting for you, fellow me” she said…Lida and Finn nodded and fellowed Lauralas, around the block all the way to a house at the end of the block, it was unclear what color the house was . but there was a sign next to it read:
Welcome to the last homely house
Lauralas knocked on the door….”Come in” said a voice, Lauralas slowly opened the door, then led Lida and Finn in…Eldon, George , and Carmen were sitting around a table playing a game of cards. “Do you have the elf king?” asked Eldon to George. “No , draw your blade” he said, Eldon picked a card from the pile. “Do you have the fairy warrior?” asked George. “Yes” grumbled Eldon, and took a card from his bunch and handed it to George…”Thank you lord Eldon” said George. “Eldon” said Lauralas. “Yes” said Eldon turning around from the game…”Can I help you with anything?”. Eldon was sitting in a dressing gown , and wearing pajamas , his glasses were on his head. “Umm…can you help us with this?” asked Lida, handing Eldon the map. “Hmmm…” said Eldon…”Let me see, ah yes Lemon juice!” he said. “Come on” he said, “there are some Lemons in the kitchen” he said…”Eldon I believe it’s moo—“ began Carmen. “Here it is you dab it on the paper, and it will appear.” said Eldon. Lida , Finn and Eldon dabbed Lemon juice on the map…they waited nothing happened
“Hmm…I think we need more lemon-juice” said Eldon. “Eldon, it’s moon light!” said Carmen but Eldon had already gone to get more Lemons…When Eldon came back , he began dabbing Lemon juice on the map again
five hours later…
there was no success , “‘Well…what are going to try now?” asked Eldon. “How about moonlight” whispered Carmen. “Ah yes, Moonlight , I should have thought of it before, here come with me to the baloney there is a much better view from here” said Eldon, Lida and Finn fellowed him to a balcony overlooking the their town, the moon shone bright that night…Eldon lifted the map toward the moon and words started to appear
your journey will be long and dangerous… danger will lurk in dark corners.
the trust in your friends will keep you safe from the dangers
but beware for evil lurks in every corner
“ Ah I see, the message changes often depending on the person or quest…” said Carmen walking up…”As I can see from this you can not go alone , it’s too dangerous” she said…”I’l come along” said Carmen. “Me too” said Eldon, who didn’t want to be left out o the adventure er search party. “I shall come, you need a good archer” said Lauralas, walking in. “I will come along too” said George, still holding his cards from the card game… “I will bring a axe” he added.
“To rescue Tess!” said Lida. “To rescue Tess!!” cheered the group… “We will meet together at dawn, And I will get you too elvish blades” said Lida. “Thank you” said Eldon, “I always wanted to hold a elvish blade but for some reason , your uncle Tirfindiel doesn’t let me hold his , even if I ask” said Eldon. the group stared at Eldon not knowing how to react “What?” he said.
The drawing of Eldon I used in this chapter was partly inspired by this picture of Elrond from Lord of the rings :
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(Picture from Wikipedia , |
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