Meet The Lady Annabelle mystery series characters

The Lady Annabelle Mystery Series is an on going series that I do for Camp NaNoWrimo and November Novel writing. The series started in November 2016, and It has been continuing since. 

  Here are the character from the series: 


                                  Lady Annabelle 

                                                    Name: Lady Annabelle

                                                   Age: 19 or 18 

                                                   Race: Half elf, half human with a little bit of fairy

                                                   Personality: (coming soon)

                              Detective Inspector Time

                                             (profile photo coming soon...) 


                                              Name: Detective Inspector Time

                                               Age: Unknown

                                                Race: Elf
                                                Personality: (coming soon)



                                         Name: Phillip

                                         Age: 16

                                         Race: Dwarf
                                        Personality: (coming soon).


                             Name: Vonivera
                                              Age: 17
                                              Race: Fairy
                                              Personality: (coming soon)

                                               Other Characters 

                                 Annabelle's Father 

                                                 (Profile photo coming soon) 

                                                Name: (Coming soon) 

                                               Age: Unknown

                                              Race: elf

                                             Personality: Annabelle's Father can be insensitive,
                                             and at the same time he is mysterious, and can be very caring at times.

                                                          The Cook 


                         Name: (coming soon....but at the moment all she is known as is really
                                                    'The cook' )
                                     Age: not mentioned...
                                     Race: Elf

                                    Personality: (coming soon) 

                                 More coming soon... 


  1. It would be really fun to see Lady Annabelle solve her own murder. Maybe she could be a zombie or vampire in later stories? Or maybe the murder attempt could narrowly fail?

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Thank you for the suggestion, however I already had a idea similar to that (in a future book.) But it doesn't involve a vampire or a zombie, and Annabelle doesn't get turned into one of them... but all I can tell you it is slightly similar to it. (Minus the death, I would never have Annabelle die in my book.) But I can't tell you what book it is (for it will spoil the story.)

      Thank you for the comment, and I hope you enjoy reading my blog.


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