Meet The Characters from In The Forest

In The Forest was one of the first stories I put on this blog, you can read it here, the story was loosely based on Shakespeare's Plays As You Like It and Twelfth Night . I hope to finish it some time..


                                        Name: Valentina (William) 

                                              age: 16
                                             Race: Human 
                                           Powers: She's skilled with a bow and arrow. 

                                     Backstory: Valentina was once a princess but she ran away
                                         and disguised herself as a boy and went by the                                                                                         name Willaim. 



                                                                          Name: Sebastian

                                                                              Age: 17
                                                                              Race: Half Dryad Half Human 
                                                                              Powers: Natural Healing , swordplay 

                                                                               Backstory: Sebastian has a Sister Named   
                                                                                              Oak who he got separated from... 


More characters coming soon......


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      This is the old version of the page, here is the newer version if you would be interested in looking at it:


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