About the Author (2017 version)

This page was created in 2017, click here to visit the new page. 

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm Quinley. You may call me "Q" .
I'm a writer, an artist, and an actor.
I created this Blog so I could share my stories and art.
The First story I wrote was
There's a Monster in My Bed
It was about a girl who had her bed taken over by a monster
and had to find a way to get the monster out of her bed..
I have been drawing since I was little.
Acting has also been fun for me to do. It helps bring stories to life. And I hope one day to act in movies and on stage.
I have also recently gotten into photography. It is fun to set up the lighting for the photo or try to get the lighting in the right place.
(You can see some of my doll photos here I also post some of my un-doll related photos right here on Adventure Awaits)
Fictional facts about me- 

Fictional facts are things that may or not be true!;) Of course you will never know for sure if they are true or not.

-I am a Wood-elf from Mirkwood, where I work on the week ends...
I have defended the wood-land realm in Mirkwood against many dangerous
monsters (such as Orcs, and Giant spiders...)

-I am a Jedi Knight in training, I have a blue light saber named Sting (though I might be the only Jedi that has ever named their light Saber) And I have been learning the powers of the force

-Of course when I'm not training to be a Jedi Knight, I work at Star Fleet as a medical officer...
And I have encountered many aliens and had many adventures at star fleet...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay at Adventure Awaits. And may your own adventures come your way....

My other website: 

Q's Creative Corner 

Other Writing Things I do: 


  1. Hi, Quinley!
    I have really enjoyed doing that RP on Mem's blog with you. Would you like to read my blog? Here's the link: https://talesfromanidealist.wordpress.com
    And its private, but you can go to the link and request an invitation and I will grant it. Only a select few have been allowed to read my blog, and I hope you can join them. :)
    ~Kendra Lynne

    1. Hi Kendra!:) I would love to read your blog,
      But I don’t have a WordPress account and I was wondering if there was another way I could access your blog?

    2. No... sorry. :o
      But it is super easy to make a WordPress account; if you'd still like to read it.

    3. Okay, thank you!:)
      I made a Wordpress account so now I can read your blog!:)


    4. Thank you, for letting me read your blog!:)

  2. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

    1. Thank you for tagging me, Kendra!:)

  3. STAAAAR FLEEEEEET. I approve. ;-)


    1. YES! Another Star Trek fan! :D
      P.S. Sorry that I didn't respond to your comment sooner.

  4. Hey, Q. Nice to meet you. I'm also an actor. I'm a Jedi, student at hogwarts, demigod, Viper pilot, princess and spy, XD.

  5. (Hey Quinley! Just wanted to let you know that I tagged you. XP)


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