Friday, September 16, 2022

Character Interview With D.I. Time and Shadow (A Collaboration with Hailey Marshall Writes)

Greetings Travelers, 

 Hailey Marshall Writes and I, decided to do a collaboration, that features our characters D.I. Time and Shadow, interviewing each other. You can check out Hailey's part here where Detective Inspector Time interrogates interviews Shadow. Here is my part, where Shadow interviews D.I. Time: 

In doing this I learned a lot about my character, D.I. Time, that I hadn't known before, and it was really fun. Thank you, Hailey, for collaborating with me. One thing I noticed, is that D.I. Time does not like being the one who is being questioned (in this case interviewed), which I realize is why he felt so awkward in answering questions. When he was interviewing Shadow he behaved like he usually does. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you relate to any of D.I. Time's answers? Have you ever been interviewed? 



  1. Fun interview, I like your methods to develop your story! Have a great weekend! Valerie

    1. Thank you, Valerie. :) And I hope you have a great weekend, too.

  2. This is fun A great way to get to know the character better. :)

  3. That was interesting and fun :-D I enjoyed it :-D

  4. Oh, this is such a fantastic idea. Definitely a great way to get in touch with your characters!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  5. What a fun idea to interview each other as one of your respective characters! Each of you embodied your characters so well! You know, I lose track of my age too but alas, I do not look like I'm still in my mid-20s. Elfin DNA is definitely better than human DNA for that.

    1. Thank you so much, Debra. :) And, D.I. Time would definitely agree with you on that. :D

  6. I've interviewed a few people, but I have never created an interview with a fellow character, since I'm not a writer, as such. I found this incredibly fascinating.


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