Since these two tags seem very similar to each other, I decided to do a double tag post.
For the first tag: Never Have I Ever: Book Edition, I was tagged by Annika at Annika Larraine, thank you so much, Annika, this tag looks so fun. 😄
The rules-
-Link back to the original creator: Madame Writer
-Link back to the person who tagged you
-Answer all prompts
-Add one more prompt of your own
-Tag at least five people
-Don’t lie!
-Have fun!
The questions-
Never have I ever: Read a Later book in the series first.
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Here are a few of the characters I made. (Also please excuse the spelling errors. I made this comic before I started editing my writing). |
- Never have I ever: Read a Later book in the series first.
- Never have I ever: Burned a book.
- Never have I ever: gone into a shop to buy one book but came out with many.
- Never have I ever: loved a book when I was younger but hated it when I was older.
- Never have I ever: read a book I knew I’d hate.
- Never have I ever: wrote a fan fiction about my favorite book.
- Never have I ever: dressed up as my favorite literary character.
- Never have I ever: hated a book by an author I love.
- Never have I ever: pretended to read a book I haven't.
- Never have I ever: skim read a book.
- Never have I ever: read a book without the dust cover.
- Never have I ever: had a book boyfriend/girlfriend.
- Never have I ever: picked up a book based on the cover alone.
- Never have I ever: read the end of the book before the beginning.
- Never have I ever: read a history or anthropology book for fun.
- Never have I ever: participated in a readathon.
- Never have I ever: bought multiple books in a series before reading it.
- Never have I ever: written in a book.
- Never have I ever: filled up an entire bookshelf and have to have stacks of books balanced precariously throughout different rooms.
- My question: Never Have I Ever: Liked the movie adaptation of a book more than the original book.
The Logo:
The Rules
Thank and link to the blogger who nominated you.
Include the tag graphic in your post!
Answer the ten questions the blogger asked.
Nominate five to 10 bloggers.
Ask your nominees ten book-related questions!
Don't feel obligated by these rules.
(Most importantly) Have fun!
The questions:
Which book have you read that you wish you had written?
That's a hard question. You see, I don't exactly wish I had written someone else's book (because I feel like that would be stealing). I wish that I was around the time when, for example, epic poetry was being written, so I could write an epic poem, not someone else's epic poem, but my own epic poem.
And I've also wished I could write like Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Irving and Mary Shelley at different points. But I've never wanted to have written their work. (Unless in writing their work, I could add elements/tropes that show up in my writing? But on the other hand...Would that really benefit their fiction by doing that...?? It helps mine and strengthens mine, but would it work for theirs??)
Anyway, despite my long ramble about that, I'm just going to choose two books off the top of my head to answer this question with: Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray are books I would have wanted to have written.
What is your favorite classic?
Usually I would answer this with a Gothic book from the 18th or 19th century, but I am going to answer it differently this time...
What is one book you want to see made into a movie?
So, I have several books that I want to see made into movies (really, books I would like to make into movies myself). Most of them are classics, but there is a book I wish they would make into a movie, which is...
Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke. A movie was made of Inkheart, so I really want there to be a movie for Igraine the Brave. However, I want to be the one to make the movie, since for a screenwriting class I took, I decided to turn the book Igraine the Brave into a script for a movie.
If you had to burn any book on your bookshelf which one would it be? (I know, I'm so mean.) XD
I am thoroughly against the idea of burning books, because it is often linked to censorship (which is very harmful). I know I've said that before, but it's important...Also, why are these questions so obsessed with book burning??
But...Let's say I had to burn a book for whatever reason because something horrible would happen if I didn't...
(Images from Goodreads, here and here).
I would burn either Matilda Bone or Tuck Everlasting. Both of these books I despised (and I am not over extracting), since I really disliked the protagonists in both these books and wasn't rooting for them.
In Winnie's case, I was begging her to leave the Tucks (and to stop flirting with a boy who is older than her). And in Matilda's case I was groaning about her being so judgmental and prejudiced.
Anyway, if I met either of these characters I would not be friends with them.
Which book inspired your love for reading?
(Image from Goodreads, |
So, the first novel that I read after I learned to read was The Hobbit, which then inspired me to read Lord of the Rings, and then after that inspired me to read other long books (like The Odyssey).
Would you rather spend a day with the author of your favorite book or spend three hours with the main character in your favorite book?
I would spend three hours with the main character from my favorite book, though spending time with the author would be fun too. I feel like getting to meet the main character would be so neat.
What is one book you have re-read before?
So, I tend to reread a lot of books. As it turns out, if I like a book I will likely reread it more than once. But I will go with Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I have reread it at least twice, since it is one of my many favorite books. (Actually, I probably have read it three times, but I am not entirely sure...)
Which book brings back the most childhood memories?
Okay, so there are several books that bring back childhood memories for me. (I could make a long list of all the books.) But I am going to go with a different answer than I would normally for this and say...
Holly the Christmas Fairy and The Faraway Tree. I loved both these books. I loved the character of Holly in Holly the Christmas Fairy. (They should really write more books with her. I'd read them.) And in The Faraway Tree, I really enjoyed the adventures the children had in the different worlds that come to the tree.
What is your favorite romance trope?
I don't tend to like romance alone as a genre. That is, I wouldn't usually seek out books that are just romance (though there are exceptions to that), so I prefer it as a subplot in a story. favorite has to be the trope of Forbidden Love. For some reason it shows up a lot in my writing, and I have no idea why. But given that I like writing it, I also like reading it...depending on how well it is done of course.
Audiobooks or no audiobooks?
Audiobooks for sure. This is because I like the idea of someone telling a story to me. It's just so relaxing. So, when I'm tired, I find them easier to read than normal books.
I tag:
Galatea at Blooming Elephant
Gauri at Brighter Alleys
Elena at Life is a Beautiful Ride
Hailey at The Girl Behind the Camera
McKayla at Tales of a Triple Threat
Artemis Crescent at Artemis Crescent
Annika at Annika Larraine
My questions:
1. What's your favorite sub-genre of Fantasy? And why?
2. What is your favorite book series? And why?
3. Who is your favorite fictional character and who is your least favorite fictional character?
4. Would you rather get stuck in the world of your favorite book and not be able to return to the real world or you're in the real world but you're stuck permanently in the body of your favorite character?
5. What's your favorite genre of books to read? And what's your favorite book from that genre?
6. What's your favorite Fantasy trope? And why is it your favorite trope?
7. Do you have a favorite myth or fairy tale? If so what is it?
8. What is your favorite novel? And what is the opening line of that novel?
9. What types of bookmarks do you use? Random pieces of paper, hand-made bookmarks, or something else?
10. Do you write annotations in your books? Why or why not?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever written a fanfic about your favorite book/book series? And do you have a favorite romance trope?
Thanks for the tag! The Hobbit is one of my favorites.
DeleteYou're welcome. :) The Hobbit is such a good book.
Happy New Year to you and yours! Valerie
DeleteI hope you had a Happy New Year, Valerie. :)
Haha, I loved your vignettes!
ReplyDelete"Never have I ever: read a book I knew I’d hate."
Absolutely not. I don't suffer from FOMO. I wouldn't even read a book I know I'll hate if it were free. For the record, I've never read Twilight...
"Side note, you have no idea how many silly arguments arise out of saying a fictional character is your boyfriend, partly because someone else then wants the fictional character as their boyfriend."
Seriously? LOL.
"Never have I ever: written in a book."
I do that too, even if only with a pencil. I know it's frowned upon, but...🤷♀️
"Also, why are these questions so obsessed with book burning??"
My thoughts exactly! 😂
I had fun reading your answers. Happy new year!
"He's my boyfriend."
Delete"No, he's mine".
Thank you. :)
DeleteI try not to read books I know I would dislike, but it seems it happens from time to time. So that's good that you don't. I need to get better at it... 😄
Yup, silly arguments about whose fictional boyfriend the character is has happened way more than once. And looking back on it it's kind of comical. 😂
Writing annotations in books really is useful, so it's neat to know I am not the only one who does it.
There seemed to be a lot of book burning questions for some reason...I wonder why.
I hope you have a happy new year. 😃
That's a very accurate depiction of the arguments, Greg. 😂
Fun. I like scarier vamps too, not so much glittery ones. And fanfic is surprisingly fun. I've only recently discovered it but I even wrote some and never imagined doing that!
ReplyDelete"hunter of Artemis" :)
Sometimes I think it's a problem to have like overflowing bookshelves and books just... wherever... and then realize oh I'm a book blogger it's okay. :)
And ooh- I think I HAVE liked an adaptation or two more than the book, although it's pretty rare.
Great questions too!!
Thank you. Fanfic really is fun, I've really only written it in comic form, but it was really fun to write. :)
I relate. :)
Same, I found that happened to me with the movie adaptation of Inkheart .
Thank you again.
This was so fun to read! Thanks for tagging me!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Elena. :) And you're welcome. :)
Ahhhhh I'm so sorry it's taken me forever to read this. *headdesk* (I *may* have been caught up in a writing competition all week lol...) But long at last, I'm HEEERE!!! XD And I LOVED LOVED LOVED reading your answers!!! (To both tags!)
ReplyDeleteHaha, whoops, I forgot that burning books could sometimes have to do with censorship... *coughs* 'Tis terrible indeed. :'(
Okay, but your answer to having a book boyfriend is PERFECT! XD I don't have a real one either (nor do I want one at the moment) so I am VEEERY content with my fictional boys! ;P (And YES to the Legolas reference!)
Yeeaaah, I agree with you about Twilight...I mean, I haven't actually read it, but I know enough about it that it's a book Imma steering clear of. (Plus, I'm not much of a vampire person anyway.) XD
Awww, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the tag, Quinley!!! I'm so excited to answer those questions!!! Hope you have a fantabulous day, girl! <333
I hope the writing contest went well, and thank you. :)
DeleteIndeed it is. :(
I’m glad you liked my answer. :) And also liked the Legolas reference. ;)
That’s a good idea to just not read Twilight at all. :) Though I haven’t read the later books (but I heard about them) Meyer does some questionable things with her characters.
(One of the (older/adult) characters falls in love with Bella’s (baby) daughter.) So, it’s good to just steer clear. :)
You're welcome. :) I can't wait to read your answers. And I hope you do too.