Thursday, August 29, 2019

Drawings of Heroines (Part 1)

Hello everyone, I thought I should do a drawing post, because I thought it would be fun to post my most recent drawings: 
I thought I should start the post with a drawing of one of my own heroines, Annabelle. 
Since I don't believe I posted a drawing of Annabelle in this style before. 

It took a long time to figure out how to draw Captain Marvel, because her facial shape was one that I don't usually draw. 

A drawing of Dr. Crusher, my favorite character from Star Trek: The Next Generation
I really like how this turned out. 

Speaking of doctors (the non-medical and time travelling sort), 
here is a drawing of the 13th doctor. I haven't seen much of her yet, but want to. 
I thought it would be neat to draw her, because she is the first woman Doctor Who doctor ever

This is a drawing of Hoshi Sato, a lesser known character from Star Trek. I thought Hoshi was a really interesting character, so I decided to include her in this post. 

I decided to draw Etta, since was a great comedic character in Wonder Woman. However I wish the audience had seen more of her, than just the few scenes that she had. One of the most fun things to draw was her curled hair and her hat. 

This drawing was really fun to draw considering the fact that Brie Larson posted a picture of herself lifting Thor's hammer. I thought why not draw Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) holding it? So 
that's how I ended up with this drawing, which I am really happy with. 

This portrait was interesting to draw, though I was glad that Carol didn't wear a fancy dress in the movie (particularly since there was no reason for her to wear one, and I don't think Carol is the sort of person to wear fancy dresses). But I thought it would be interesting to see what she would look like 
in a dress that looks somewhat like her suit. 

This is a drawing of Queenie. Drawing the different shadings of this was really fun, and also conveying her emotions.
Which drawing is your favorite? Who is your favorite lead (or supporting) female character? 

P. S. The next blog post will be a Character Interview with Oak. 
So be sure to keep an eye out for that! :) 


  1. I'm loving your new drawing style! :D I think either Annabelle or Etta is my favourite one here!

    1. Thank you, Melissa. :) Annabelle and Etta were fun to draw.

  2. I love your drawings, Quinley! (Especially Captain Marvel with the hammer. XD)


    1. Thank you, Nicole. :) Captain Marvel holding the hammer was fun to draw. :D

  3. I love the variety that comes through in each of the characters! Great drawings, Quinley!

    1. Thank you, Jeff. :) I thought it was important to draw different varieties of women characters.



    1. Thank you, Middle Earth Musician! <3

  5. Great pictures. I really need to see Star Trek and Doctor Who sometime. My favorites are the Captain Marvel ones. They look just like Brie Larson. You're right, she doesn't seem like she'd be into fancy dresses. That seems more like a Wanda Maximoff thing (they'd be gothic fancy dresses but still). I also love your drawing of Queenie.

    1. Star Trek and Doctor Who are both really amazing shows, and I would recommend watching them if you get the chance. :)
      Thank you, Brie Larson is a really interesting person to draw. :) And true, she probably would, though I don’t know that much about Wanda Maximoff (Captain Marvel and Iron Man are really the only two Marvel movies I have fully watched.)


  6. Ooh, yes. I've actually seen some Star Trek and I really like it (at least what I've seen).
    She seems like she would be. And she is so beautiful.
    Those are both great Marvel movies. The Avengers is pretty cool, though.


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