

Vonivera is a lady in waiting at the court of Dragon's Province. However, she spends most of her time trying to find a way to get involved in a detective case, somehow. She wants something interesting to do, given that she finds her job as a lady in waiting to be very uneventful. 

Name: Vonivera 
Species: Fay/fair folk
OccupationLady in waiting to the princess. 
Gender: Female 

Likes: Hanging out with friend Cerawen, reading, doing embroidery, realm-traveling, going outside on walks, flying (though she doesn't always do this), detective stories, and using her magic. 

Dislikes: Rainy days, pricking herself on her sewing needle, arguments, the way that most humans react to things they don't understand (fairies and humans are not on good terms), and not being able to use her magic. 

Powers: She is able to turn "invisible," that is, to be in another dimension while still staying in the current realm. And she is able to realm travel, which means to go to a different realm. However, that takes a lot of energy and she doesn't it do it often. 
Favorite color: Red  
                                                     Friends: Cerawen and Arisias.                                                                                                                 Enemies: Ignorant or stupid humans in general. 
                                                               (However, her friend Cerawen is a human)

                                                                           Click here to read involving Vonivera.  


Avatars created using PicrewDoll Divine and Hero Forge. 

(coming soon)

                            Videos featuring Vonivera  
                                                                        (coming soon)

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