Reed Hayward

 A "wizard"  from England with false and distorted memories. (He prefers the term "magical artist" or "painter with magic".) He has a connection with Dorian, one that he's unsure of, but he feels drawn to Dorian. And he has ulterior motives for "helping" Dorian.

Assumed Name: Reed Hayward 

Age: In his 30s. 


Hayward can do art-related magic. Here are examples of (some) of the spells: 

Creating an object. He can create an object from thin air by sculpting it out of his hands, but he has to have seen the object in order to create it. This is why he carries around a sketchbook for the magic, because a reference image or being familiar with the said object are important. 

Creating an illusion. He can create an illusion almost like drawing it with his fingers, which can be of anything from a person to a house, if it's ignited with magic, it can move. As with this spell, he needs to be familiar with the subject he is painting with magic, or else it won't work.

Skills: Though Hayward does hang out around criminals (in order to understand what is going on with Dorian Gray), the skills he has are painting and art related. He is skilled in painting, though he feels some unresolved and unexplainable trauma around doing painting--This is why he hasn't done non-magic painting in a long time. 

Favorite book: The epic poem, The Journey to the West

Friends: He's good friends with Ivy. They often like to sketch together. 

Weaknesses: The spell-work takes a lot of energy (and attention) to do, so it needs to be used sparingly otherwise it will not work or what does appear will not look like it is supposed to. 

Goals: To figure out how he knows Dorian, whether it was a good relation or a bad one. And to get back into painting--the non-magic kind. 


                 (coming soon) 

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