

Ophelia is a healer and priestess; she works in the castle healing people who need it. 
She likes to spend her time out in nature, and she loves wild-life. 
She has been training to be a priestess and healer since she was a child. 

Name: Ophelia 

Occupation: Priestess/Healer 

Age: Somewhere in her twenties.

Species: Elf 

Gender: female 

Powers: She can control two elements (air and earth) given to her by the gods she is devoted to, both of which she uses for healing purposes. She can also use those elements for non-healing relating purposes if she feels like it. She can create a wind storm or cause plants to grow, but those abilities take a lot of energy and are only done rarely because of that. 

God/goddess She is Devoted to: The god of air and the goddess of the earth. 

Likes: Helping people, mediating, healing, the gods she is devoted to, jewelry, healing magic, nature, and wild-life. 

Dislikes: Violence, harm, mean people, people who don't appreciate the work she is doing, and people who are mean to her friends. 

Favorite color: Purple/violet. 

Clothing style: A chiton worn by most priests/priestess devoted to the gods of the elements.

Relationships: Is courting Horatio (in book one). 

Friends: Horatio, Vonivera, Lord Oberon, and Cerawen. 

Enemies: D.I. Time. 

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Avatars created using PicrewDoll Divine and Hero Forge. 

(coming soon)

                                  Videos featuring Ophelia 

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