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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tess short story chapter 7

Chapter 7: Lida and Finn steal the story 

Lida and Finn sat at the kitchen table eating alone, in total silence until…
“We have to do something!!” said Lida, over breakfasting , and by accident spilled her milk, “We can’t just leave Tess to be eaten by a troll , goblin or cyclopes! or get burned by a dragon” she added. “You know father will be mad, also I hope you don’t mean a adventure” said Finn, spreading butter onto his bread…”A adventure, to stop a adventure! is what I mean, which doesn’t count as a adventure” said Lida. “Are you sure, and I think you mean a  search party” said Finn…”That’s what I mean” she said, “But how are we going to find Tess” said Lida “Lets search the library first” suggested  Finn.  “Alright, but how can Tess being having a adventure in a library” mumbled Lida, as they went to 
the library, when they got there Finn opened the door , and shouted “I WILL FIND YOU TESS!”.  “shhhhh” whispered everyone including Lida. “Sorry” whispered Finn… “Tess!” Finn whispered. “Tess were are you?” Finn was whispering. Lida sighed, “Have you seen a girl with short red hair, hazel eyes, pointy ears , who is about this tall” said Lida. “Who’s name is Tess short…”. The Librarian raised her one eye-brow, “If you are looking for that girl, she has a book overdue…” said the Librarian. “Book overdue Tess never has a book over—“ began Lida. The Librarian handed her a peace of paper , “-Due, it was due three weeks ago.” she read. “Why didn’t you tell me er her!” said Lida. ‘Poor tess. Now I need to find that book and her’ thought Lida, ‘I never should have treated her like I did’. “Come on Finn” she said, “We need to find Tess…and a overdue book” she said, “But first we will look for Tess over mountains , under the sea…in deep valleys , in the woods….till we find her and bring her back to her nice warm comfortable hole in the ground” said Lida. “Shhh”. “Sorry” she said…”Let’s see if anyone at the book club has seen her” whispered Lida. “Alright” whispered Finn back…they silently walked into the book club, a boy with dark brown hair and silver glasses was sitting at the table , talking to the rest if the group abut a book. then he looked up, “Oh…have you come to join our council”  he said. “What?“ said Lida. “Well…it more of a book club then a council..but anyway you are?” he asked. “Lida, this is my brother Finn” she said. “Are you elves?” he asked, looking at Lida and finn’s pointy ears. “Half-elves, I am Lida daughter of Gletta, and this finn son of Mr.short” she said. “You forgot the Half Hobbit part” said Finn who did admire his hairy-feet. “Pleased to meet you I am Eldon” he said, shaking there hands. “And this is my niece Carmen” he said, turning to a girl with pointy ears and black-hair. “well…he is my young-uncle” she said. “We are the same age” she half whispered. “So I have met your uncle before…he is.. nice” he said…”Tirfindiel I believe is his name.”. Lida nodded. “I hear that he rules a kingdom , in the woods. ” he added…”I did ask him what is it like to be a elf, he sounded in a rush thoug—”. “Anyway , Have any of you seen Tess?” asked Finn… a girl with blond hair , blue eyes and pointy ears turned around from her chair she was holding a book, “No I’m afraid not, page 18!” she said, “Oh , and by the way my name is Lauralas Greenfield” she said, flicking a peace of her blond hair…”This is George” she said, a short  boy with light-brown hair , turned around from his chair he too was holding a book. “Lauralas I’m on page 6!” he said… “Page 21” said Lauralas… “Page 10” said George… “Page 29” said Lauralas…”Maybe we should go…” said Lida…

“Before you go, give this to Tess once you find her it is a list of books she needs to read…also please find Tess , without her the book club isn’t the same” he said. “I promise I will give her this, and I will find my little sister” said Lida, taking the peace of paper from his hand, sliding it in her pocket… “Farewell” said Eldon…waving. LIda waved back. “farewell”. they left the Library , “So..Tess was not at the library , then were could she be?” asked Finn. “Maybe , the book-store!” said Finn. “Finn! she said she was going on a adventure not shopin—“ began Lida…but Finn had already taken her by the hand , and was running down the street to the book store the sign had a open book carved on it , and it read Fredrick’s book store …when they opened the door the bell rang…”Come in, come in” said a voice…”Hello, I’m Lida. Have you seen a girl with short red hair, hazel eyes, pointy ears ,who is about this tall?” she asked. “no I haven’t seen anybody like that lately, though someone did say they saw a little girl running down the street saying she was going on a adventure” he said…”A little girl with red hair?” asked Lida. “Umm…they didn’t say anything about her hair…” he murmured. “But they did say she did have unusual sized feet”. “That’s Tess” said Lida. “Come on I told you, she’d be on a adventure” said Lida…and run out of the room as fast as she could. Finnn was left standing there, “So..Do you have any cook-books?” he asked. “Cook books? oh yes I do” he said… Lida ran as fast as she could home…she needed a plan and she needed to stop her sister from going on a adventure, she opened the door to there nice hole in the ground…first she needed to pack and— “Father” said Lida, Mr.short he was standing in front of the door , his arms crossed…”There’s something I need to talk to you about” he said. “If it was the milk on the table I’m sorry” said Lida. “Or was it that I let Tess go on a adventure , I’m sorry that I treated Tess so harshly”. “You treated Tess harshly? no that is not what I was going to talk to you about” he said…”I don’t know what has been happening, but..” said Mr.short, he paused for a minute. “I’m afraid, as people have been saying odd things are afoot” he said…”I still don’t un—“ began Lida…”but at least Tess, is in good hands…for now” he said, “What do you mean?” asked Lida, wondering if her father had gone insane…”The questers that stopped by…” he said…”Took her on a quest, but at least I know she is safe…” he said. “safe from what?” she asked. Mr.short blinked then said “What was I saying?”. “You said something about Tess my sister , and something about questers and her being in good hands” said Lida. “I don’t remember saying that” said Mr.short. “You don’t but you just said it to me” said Lida. “I did?” he said…as he turned away , he said something that Lida couldn’t make a word of, it wasn’t understandable… ‘He’s has defiantly gone insane’ she thought, as she curled a peace of her blond hair. “Lida!” said a voice a shadow fell over her, Lida let out a little scream…”Who is it” she asked. “Finn” said Finn, Finn and Lida looked almost identical, they both had blue eyes  and  both had blond hair  but finn’s hair was slightly more curly then Lida’s , which Lida always had in lose curls, …”Finn, thank goodness it’s you” she said, almost gasping. “I was worried , you were—“ she said, then looked at the books he was holding. “Nothing, what are those” she said. “also, Sorry that I left you at the book-store” she said. “It’s alright, I just wanted to get away from father for a little bit, he has been saying the weirdest things” said Finn. “I know” said Lida. “Then , he doesn’t remember he said them? I’m really confused” she said. “Well, at least I have some cook-books” he said…putting his books on the table…”Do you think he’s gone crazy?” asked Finn…”Definitely not” she said, though she was worried he might have gone insane…”Maybe a little” she admitted. “But I have a idea of how we can rescue tess” she said..”There must be some old weapons , and things in the basement” she said, opening the door. “Basement?” said Finn. “Well…it’s more of a pantry” she said…and a lit a candle. and went down the short stairs, which weren’t that steep but there was something about the basement that scared her…there was a creek she turned around “Look Lida!” said Finn, holding a elvish blade that he had took out of it’s scabbard…it was glowing a greenish color, and had a small crack running through it  “Finn! put that down!” she said, “Fine!” mumbled Finn, and slid it back in it’s scabbard. “Why did mother and father put all of these things down here anyway?” he asked. “Well…” said Lida, then she realized she had never asked. “I don’t know” she said, then noticed something twinkling , when she walked up to it , it turned out to be a elvish crown, it was so beautiful…but she managed to turn herself away from it. “What we need is a map” she said, and began looking through some very interesting looking scrolls, she set her handle down and began looking. “Map of the woods” she said, enrolling a scroll..”No not useful” she said, and put it back…and then pulled out author scroll, and unrolled it, and revealed , a map of her town , and serval other places, such as the forest were her uncle King Tirfindiel lived, and were his kingdom was…and enrolled more to show, hobbit villages , mountains , valleys , lakes, rivers…”Lida!” said Finn, “Look what I found, two pairs of elvish knives for both of us” he said, handing her them. “oh thank you , Finn” she said, “But don’t you think we need a scabbard for them?”  she asked, “Here! I found two” he said, and handed Lida, one which she strapped around her waist, and slid the knives into it. “Here, I found a map” she said. “Your quite a adventurer , but are you really sure we should be leaving, you know..adventure” said Finn. “I’m positive, we can’t just let Tess go on a adventure, it’s dangerous.” she said. “She didn’t even bring a sword or knives or anything useful” she said. “How do you know?” asked Finn. “Well…” said Lida. “Nothing is missing” she said. “You’v been down here before?” asked Finn. “Yes, I have , with mother” she said. “why hasn’t mother let me down here before !?” asked Finn. “Because I’m the oldest” said Lida. “By one minute” said Finn. “But were twins!” said Finn. “I know were twins but I’m still the oldest!” said Lida, “No your not!”. “Yes I am”. “No your not!” “Yes I am…” 

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